Update a deployment template to a supported instance configuration


Update a deployment template to a supported instance configuration


In certain cases you may have a deployment template from a previous version of Elastic Cloud Enterprise that does not match a currently supported instance configuration. If this happens, you can follow these steps to correct the problem.

  1. Create a new deployment template that matches the configuration of your cluster.
  2. Open the Advanced cluster configuration page and update the following setting to associate the cluster with your newly created deployment template:

    "deployment_template": {
  3. Modify the new deployment template to match the features of your deployment. You can substitute any topology element that is deprecated with one that is not deprecated. For example, you can remove ingest and add coordinating.

    The ingest instance configuration should not be confused with the ingest instance type. The ingest instance configuration is deprecated in favor of the new coordinating instance configuration. The ingest instance type, like master and data, indicates the role assigned to the node in the Elasticsearch cluster.
  4. Open the page for your deployment and click edit. Disable the node that is deprecated and then enable the new supported node. Following our example, you would disable the dedicated ingest instance and enable the coordinating instance.
  5. Use the Set instance configuration API to modify the instance configuration and adjust it to meet a currently supported combination of node types.

    For your own custom instance configurations (those not identified as System), when marked as deprecated they are able to be updated in order to match a currently supported combination of instance types. For example, suppose that your instance configuration has instance types: master, data. This combination of instance types is deprecated, since the configuration needs to include all three of master, data, and ingest. In this case, an API call modifying the instance configuration to add ingest is supported, since it’s required to raise the instance configuration to a currently allowed combination of instance types.
  6. Once you have updated your instance configuration, the deprecation notice for this deployment template disappears on the Cloud UI and no further adjustment is needed.