Configuration Examples


This section contains manifests that illustrate common use cases, and can be your starting point in exploring Elastic Agent deployed with ECK. These manifests are self-contained and work out-of-the-box on any non-secured Kubernetes cluster. They all contain a three-node Elasticsearch cluster, a single Kibana instance and a single Fleet Server instance.

The examples in this section are for illustration purposes only and should not be considered to be production-ready. Some of these examples use the false setting which has performance implications and should be tuned for production workloads, as described in Virtual memory.

System and Kubernetes integrations

kubectl apply -f

Deploys Elastic Agent as a DaemonSet in Fleet mode with System and Kubernetes integrations enabled. System integration collects syslog logs, auth logs and system metrics (for CPU, I/O, filesystem, memory, network, process and others). Kubernetes integrations collects API server, Container, Event, Node, Pod, Volume and system metrics.

Custom logs integration with autodiscover

kubectl apply -f

Deploys Elastic Agent as a DaemonSet in Fleet mode with Custom Logs integration enabled. Collects logs from all Pods in the default namespace using autodiscover feature.

APM integration

kubectl apply -f

Deploys single instance Elastic Agent Deployment in Fleet mode with APM integration enabled.