

FIPS compliant installation using Helm


Set image.fips=true to install a FIPS-enabled version of the ECK Operator. Refer to Install ECK using the Helm chart for full Helm installation instructions.

helm install elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator \
  -n elastic-system --create-namespace \

FIPS compliant installation using manifests


The StatefulSet definition within the yaml installation manifest will need to be patched prior to installation to append -fips to the spec.template.spec.containers[*].image to install a FIPS-enabled version of the ECK Operator. Refer to Install ECK using the YAML manifests for full manifest installation instructions.

${ECK_VERSION} in the following command needs to be replaced with the version of the Operator that is to be installed.

curl -s${ECK_VERSION}/operator.yaml | sed -r 's#(image:.*eck-operator)(:.*)#\1-fips\2#' | kubectl apply -f -

If the Operator has already been installed using the manifests, the installation can be patched instead:

kubectl patch sts elastic-operator -n elastic-system -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"manager", "image":"${ECK_VERSION}"}]}}}}'