2.3.0 release highlights


New and notable


New and notable changes in version 2.3.0 of Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. Check Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.3.0 for the full list of changes.

Creating Elasticsearch users with cleartext passwords


While it is already possible to use Kubernetes secrets to manage custom users, it requires to compute the hashed representation of the passwords beforehand. Starting with ECK 2.3.0 it is now possible to provide the user password as a clear text value. The operator automatically maintains the hashed representation in the file realm.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: secret-basic-auth
  username: myuser
  password: mypassword # clear text value of the password
  roles: kibana_admin,ingest_admin  # optional

Observed generation


The most recent generation of a resource processed by the operator, also known as the "observed generation", is now set and maintained in the status subresource on all kinds of Elastic resources. While in version 2.2 this enhancement was only available on Elasticsearch and Kibana, it is now also enabled on Agent, Beats, APM Server and Enterprise Search resources.

apiVersion: resource.k8s.elastic.co/v1
  name: resource-name
  namespace: default
  generation: 2
  version: 8.2.0
  observedGeneration: 2
  phase: Ready
  version: 8.2.0

Distroless base image


The default ECK operator container image is now based on the Distroless image. A container image based on the RedHat UBI base image is however still published and is selected by default when the operator is installed through the OpenShift OperatorHub.

Known issues

  • Under certain circumstances the operator will keep terminating and restarting Elasticsearch Pods seemingly at random. The underlying issue is fixed in ECK 2.4.0 and an upgrade is highly recommended.