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Add Enterprise Search user settings


Change how Enterprise Search runs by providing your own user settings. User settings are appended to the ent-search.yml configuration file for your instance and provide custom configuration options.

Refer to the Configuration settings reference in the Enterprise Search documentation for a full list of configuration settings. Settings supported on Elasticsearch Service are indicated by an Elastic Cloud icon (logo cloud). Be sure to refer to the documentation version that matches the Elastic Stack version used in your deployment.

To add user settings:

  1. Log in to the Elasticsearch Service Console.
  2. Find your deployment on the home page in the Elasticsearch Service card and select Manage to access it directly. Or, select Hosted deployments to go to the deployments page to view all of your deployments.

    On the deployments page you can narrow your deployments by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To customize your view, use a combination of filters, or change the format from a grid to a list.

  3. From your deployment menu, go to the Edit page.
  4. In the Enterprise Search section, select Edit user settings. For deployments with existing user settings, you may have to expand the Edit enterprise-search.yml caret instead.
  5. Update the user settings.
  6. Select Save changes.

If a setting is not supported by Elasticsearch Service, an error message displays when you try to save your settings.

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