Accessing resourcesedit
Accessing Elasticsearchedit
Elasticsearch can be accessed from outside of Azure through the external load balancer, by navigating to the external load balancer public IP address resource and using either the IP address or public domain name along with port 9200. For example,
http://lb-<random domain name>.<location>
Accessing Kibanaedit
Kibana can be accessed from outside of Azure by navigating to the Kibana public IP address resource and using either the IP address or public domain name along with port 5601. For example,
http://kb-<random domain name>.<location>
Accessing virtual machinesedit
Virtual machines can be accessed using SSH through either the Kibana VM or Jumpbox
VM over port 22. Both Kibana and Jumpbox VMs are configured with a network security
group that allows TCP traffic over port 22. SSH authentication will use the
authentication mechanism specified in the Basics step,
either password
or SSH public key
ssh <admin username>@<kibana or jumpbox public IP address>
Once connected to the Kibana or Jumpbox VM, other VMs on the virtual network can be accessed using SSH with either the internal IP address or VM hostname (if using Azure DNS to resolve addresses from hostnames):
ssh <admin username>@<internal IP address or VM hostname>