Version 7.17.0


Changes and bug fixes


This release includes minor updates and improvement to the API specification and a number of bug fixes (see closed issues in the GitHub repo).

Breaking changes between 7.16.3 and 7.17.0


Please refer to the Breaking changes policy. The co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch package is abbreviated to c.e.c.e below.

An issue in the code generator led properties whose API name contains a dot (.) to be removed. They will be reintroduced in version 7.17.1:

Class c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.ChildrenAggregate:
  • Parent class changed from c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.MultiBucketAggregateBase to c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.SingleBucketAggregateBase.
Class c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.ChildrenAggregateBucket removed.
Class c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.StringStatsAggregate:
  • Property distribution changed from String to Map.
Class c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.TopMetricsAggregate:
  • Parent class changed from c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.MultiBucketAggregateBase to c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.AggregateBase.
Class c.e.c.e._types.aggregations.TopMetricsBucket removed.
Class c.e.c.e._types.ChainTransform removed.
Class c.e.c.e._types.DocStats:
  • Property deleted changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e._types.EmptyTransform removed.
Class c.e.c.e._types.query_dsl.CombinedFieldsQuery:
  • Property mimimumShouldMatch removed.
Class c.e.c.e._types.query_dsl.RangeQuery:
  • Property from changed from c.e.c.json.JsonData to String.
  • Property to changed from c.e.c.json.JsonData to String.
Class c.e.c.e._types.SegmentsStats:
  • Property maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp changed from int to long.
Class c.e.c.e._types.Transform:
  • Property chain changed from c.e.c.e._types.ChainTransform to List.
  • Property priBulkAvgSizeInBytes removed.
  • Property priBulkAvgTime removed.
  • Property priBulkTotalOperations removed.
  • Property priBulkTotalSizeInBytes removed.
  • Property priBulkTotalTime removed.
  • Property priCompletionSize removed.
  • Property priFielddataEvictions removed.
  • Property priFielddataMemorySize removed.
  • Property priFlushTotal removed.
  • Property priFlushTotalTime removed.
  • Property priGetCurrent removed.
  • Property priGetExistsTime removed.
  • Property priGetExistsTotal removed.
  • Property priGetMissingTime removed.
  • Property priGetMissingTotal removed.
  • Property priGetTime removed.
  • Property priGetTotal removed.
  • Property priIndexingDeleteCurrent removed.
  • Property priIndexingDeleteTime removed.
  • Property priIndexingDeleteTotal removed.
  • Property priIndexingIndexCurrent removed.
  • Property priIndexingIndexFailed removed.
  • Property priIndexingIndexTime removed.
  • Property priIndexingIndexTotal removed.
  • Property priMemoryTotal removed.
  • Property priMergesCurrent removed.
  • Property priMergesCurrentDocs removed.
  • Property priMergesCurrentSize removed.
  • Property priMergesTotal removed.
  • Property priMergesTotalDocs removed.
  • Property priMergesTotalSize removed.
  • Property priMergesTotalTime removed.
  • Property priQueryCacheEvictions removed.
  • Property priQueryCacheMemorySize removed.
  • Property priRefreshExternalTime removed.
  • Property priRefreshExternalTotal removed.
  • Property priRefreshListeners removed.
  • Property priRefreshTime removed.
  • Property priRefreshTotal removed.
  • Property priRequestCacheEvictions removed.
  • Property priRequestCacheHitCount removed.
  • Property priRequestCacheMemorySize removed.
  • Property priRequestCacheMissCount removed.
  • Property priSearchFetchCurrent removed.
  • Property priSearchFetchTime removed.
  • Property priSearchFetchTotal removed.
  • Property priSearchOpenContexts removed.
  • Property priSearchQueryCurrent removed.
  • Property priSearchQueryTime removed.
  • Property priSearchQueryTotal removed.
  • Property priSearchScrollCurrent removed.
  • Property priSearchScrollTime removed.
  • Property priSearchScrollTotal removed.
  • Property priSegmentsCount removed.
  • Property priSegmentsFixedBitsetMemory removed.
  • Property priSegmentsIndexWriterMemory removed.
  • Property priSegmentsMemory removed.
  • Property priSegmentsVersionMapMemory removed.
  • Property priStoreSize removed.
  • Property priSuggestCurrent removed.
  • Property priSuggestTime removed.
  • Property priSuggestTotal removed.
  • Property priWarmerCurrent removed.
  • Property priWarmerTotal removed.
  • Property priWarmerTotalTime removed.
  • Property refreshTime removed.
  • Property refreshTotal removed.
  • Property refreshTime removed.
  • Property refreshTotal removed.
Class c.e.c.e.core.bulk.UpdateOperation:
  • Property document removed.
Class c.e.c.e.core.DeleteByQueryRequest:
  • Property source removed.
  • Property sourceExcludes removed.
  • Property sourceIncludes removed.
Class c.e.c.e.core.msearch.MultiSearchItem:
  • Property status changed from int to Integer.
  • Property score changed from double to Double.
  • Property length removed.
  • Property offset removed.
  • Property options removed.
  • Property serializeInternal removed.
  • Property setupSuggestionDeserializer removed.
  • Property text removed.
Class removed.
  • Property freq changed from Long to long.
Class c.e.c.e.core.SearchTemplateResponse:
  • Property took changed from int to long.
Class c.e.c.e.core.UpdateByQueryRequest:
  • Property source removed.
  • Property sourceExcludes removed.
  • Property sourceIncludes removed.
Class c.e.c.e.indices.data_streams_stats.DataStreamsStatsItem:
  • Property maximumTimestamp changed from int to long.
Class c.e.c.e.indices.stats.IndexStats:
  • Property shards removed.
Class c.e.c.e.logstash.PipelineSettings:
  • Property pipelineBatchDelay removed.
  • Property pipelineBatchSize removed.
  • Property pipelineWorkers removed.
  • Property queueCheckpointWrites removed.
  • Property queueMaxBytesNumber removed.
  • Property queueMaxBytesUnits removed.
  • Property queueType removed.
  • Property earliestRecordTimestamp changed from long to Long.
  • Property lastDataTime changed from long to Long.
  • Property latestBucketTimestamp changed from long to Long.
  • Property latestEmptyBucketTimestamp changed from long to Long.
  • Property latestRecordTimestamp changed from long to Long.
  • Property latestSparseBucketTimestamp changed from long to Long.
  • Property createTime changed from int to Integer.
  • Property averageBucketProcessingTimeMs changed from double to Double.
  • Property exponentialAverageBucketProcessingTimeMs changed from double to Double.
  • Property maximumBucketProcessingTimeMs changed from double to Double.
  • Property minimumBucketProcessingTimeMs changed from double to Double.
  • Property timestamp changed from int to long.
  • Property earliestRecordTimestamp changed from int to long.
  • Property latestRecordTimestamp changed from int to long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.AdaptiveSelection:
  • Property avgQueueSize changed from long to Long.
  • Property avgResponseTime changed from long to Long.
  • Property avgResponseTimeNs changed from long to Long.
  • Property avgServiceTimeNs changed from long to Long.
  • Property outgoingSearches changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Breaker:
  • Property estimatedSizeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property limitSizeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property overhead changed from float to Float.
  • Property tripped changed from float to Float.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Cpu:
  • Property percent changed from int to Integer.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.DataPathStats:
  • Property availableInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property diskReads changed from long to Long.
  • Property diskReadSizeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property diskWrites changed from long to Long.
  • Property diskWriteSizeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property freeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property totalInBytes changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.ExtendedMemoryStats:
  • Property freePercent changed from int to Integer.
  • Property usedPercent changed from int to Integer.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.FileSystem:
  • Property timestamp changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.FileSystemTotal:
  • Property availableInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property freeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property totalInBytes changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.GarbageCollectorTotal:
  • Property collectionCount changed from long to Long.
  • Property collectionTimeInMillis changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Http:
  • Property currentOpen changed from int to Integer.
  • Property totalOpened changed from long to Long.
  • Property typeDefault removed.
  • Property typeDefault removed.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.IngestTotal:
  • Property count changed from long to Long.
  • Property current changed from long to Long.
  • Property failed changed from long to Long.
  • Property timeInMillis changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Jvm:
  • Property mem changed from c.e.c.e.nodes.MemoryStats to c.e.c.e.nodes.JvmMemoryStats.
  • Property timestamp changed from long to Long.
  • Property uptimeInMillis changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.JvmClasses:
  • Property currentLoadedCount changed from long to Long.
  • Property totalLoadedCount changed from long to Long.
  • Property totalUnloadedCount changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.JvmThreads:
  • Property count changed from long to Long.
  • Property peakCount changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.KeyedProcessor:
  • Property statistics removed.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.MemoryStats:
  • Property freeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property totalInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property usedInBytes changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.NodeBufferPool:
  • Property count changed from long to Long.
  • Property totalCapacityInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property usedInBytes changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.OperatingSystem:
  • Property timestamp changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Process:
  • Property openFileDescriptors changed from int to Integer.
  • Property timestamp changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Scripting:
  • Property cacheEvictions changed from long to Long.
  • Property compilations changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Stats:
  • Property indices changed from c.e.c.e.indices.stats.IndexStats to c.e.c.e.indices.stats.ShardStats.
  • Property timestamp changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.ThreadCount:
  • Property active changed from long to Long.
  • Property completed changed from long to Long.
  • Property largest changed from long to Long.
  • Property queue changed from long to Long.
  • Property rejected changed from long to Long.
  • Property threads changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.nodes.Transport:
  • Property rxCount changed from long to Long.
  • Property rxSizeInBytes changed from long to Long.
  • Property serverOpen changed from int to Integer.
  • Property txCount changed from long to Long.
  • Property txSizeInBytes changed from long to Long.
Class c.e.c.e.transform.GetTransformStatsRequest:
  • Property transformId changed from String to List.
Class c.e.c.e.watcher.CompareCondition:
  • Property ctxPayloadMatch removed.
  • Property ctxPayloadValue removed.
Class c.e.c.e.watcher.CompareContextPayloadCondition removed.