Timeout best practices


This client is configured by default to operate like many HTTP client libraries do, by using a relatively short (30 second) timeout on all requests sent to Elasticsearch, raising a TimeoutError when that time period has elapsed without receiving a response. However, Elasticsearch will always eventually respond to any request, even if it takes several minutes. The official Elasticsearch recommendation is to disable response timeouts entirely by default.

Since changing this default would be a breaking change, we won’t do that until the next major release. In the meantime, here is our recommendation for properly configuring your client:

  • Ensure keep-alive is enabled; this is the default, so no settings need to be changed, unless you have set agent to false or provided an alternate agent that disables keep-alive
  • If using the default UndiciConnection, disable request timeouts by setting timeout to 0
  • If using the legacy HttpConnection, set timeout to a very large number (e.g. 86400000, or one day)