Date Histogram aggregation


A multi-bucket aggregation similar to the histogram except it can only be applied on date values.

Fluent DSL

var result = _client.Search<ElasticsearchProject>(s => s
    .Aggregations(a => a
        .DateHistogram("my_date_histogram", h => h
            .Field(p => p.StartedOn)

var agg = result.Aggs.DateHistogram("my_date_histogram");

Object Initializer Syntax

var request = new SearchRequest
    Aggregations = new Dictionary<string, IAggregationContainer>
        { "my_date_histogram", new AggregationContainer
                 DateHistogram = new DateHistogramAggregator
                     Field = "startedOn",
                     Interval = "month"

var result = client.Search<ElasticsearchProject>(request);

var agg = result.Aggs.DateHistogram("my_date_histogram");

Refer to the {ref_current}/search-aggregations-bucket-datehistogram-aggregation.html[original docs] for more information.