

Imagine we have a Person POCO

public class Person
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Firstname { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }

That we would like to index in Elasticsearch

var person = new Person
    Id = "1",
    Firstname = "Martijn",
    Lastname = "Laarman"

var index = client.Index(person);

This will index the object to /my-default-index/person/1.

NEST is smart enough to infer the index and type name for the Person CLR type. It was also able to get the id of 1 by the convention of looking for Id property on the specified object. Where it will look for the Id can be specified using the ElasticType attribute.

As noted in the quick start you can always pass explicit values for inferred ones.

var index = client.Index(person, i=>i

This will index the document using /another-index/another-type/1-should-not-be-the-id?refresh=true&ttl=1m as the URL.

There are a couple of places within NEST where inference comes in to play…​

Index Name Inference


Whenever an explicit index name is not provided, NEST will look to see if the type has its own default index name on the connection settings.

    .Add(typeof(MyType), "my-type-index")

 client = new ElasticClient(settings, defaultIndex: "my-default-index");

 // searches in /my-type-index/mytype/_search

 // searches in /my-default-index/person/_search

MyType defaults to my-type-index because it is explicitly configured, but Person will default to the global fallback my-default-index.

Type Name Inference


Whenever NEST needs a type name but is not given one explicitly, it will use the given CLR type to infer it’s Elasticsearch type name.

    .Add(typeof(MyType), "MY_TYPO")

// searches in /inferred-index/MY_TYPO/_search

// searches in /inferred-index/person/_search

Another way of setting an explicit inferred value for a type is through setting an attribute:

public class Car {}

As you can also see in the search example, NEST by default lowercases type names that do not have a configured inferred value.


Now all type names that have not been explictly specified or have not been explicitly configured will be uppercased.

Prior to NEST 1.0 type names were by default lowercased AND pluralized, if you want this behavior back use:


Property Name Inference


In many places NEST allows you to pass property names and JSON paths as C# expressions, i.e:

    .Term(p=>p.Followers.First().FirstName, "martijn"))

NEST by default will camelCase properties. So the FirstName property above will be translated to "followers.firstName".

This can be configured by setting


This will leave property names untouched.

Properties marked with [ElasticProperty(Name="")] or [JsonProperty(PropertyName="")] will pass the configured name verbatim.

Id Inference


Whenever an object is passed that needs to specify an id (i.e index, bulk operations) the object is inspected to see if it has an Id property and if so, that value will be used.

This inspection happens once per type. The result of the function call that returns the id for an object of type T is cached; therfore, it is only called once per object of type T throughout the applications lifetime.

An example of this is at the top of this documentation where the Index() call could figure out the object’s id was 1.

You can control which propery holds the Id:

public class Car
    public Guid CrazyGuidId { get; set; }

This will cause the the id inferring to happen on CrazyGuid instead of Id.