Multi Search


The multi search API allows to execute several search requests within the same API.

Fluent DSL

var result = client.MultiSearch(ms => ms
    .Search<ElasticsearchProject>("projects", s => s.MatchAll())
    .Search<Person>("people", s => s.MatchAll())

Object Initializer Syntax

var request = new MultiSearchRequest
    Operations = new Dictionary<string, ISearchRequest>
        { "projects", new SearchRequest<ElasticsearchProject>
                Query = new QueryContainer(new MatchAllQuery())
        { "people", new SearchRequest<Person>
                Query = new QueryContainer(new MatchAllQuery())

var result = client.MultiSearch(request);

Handling the Multi Search Response


MultiSearch returns an IMultiSearchResponse object. Each SearchResponse<T> can be retrieved using the corresponding name that was specified in the request.

// returns a SearchResponse<ElasticsearchProject>>
var projects = result.GetResponse<ElasticsearchProject>("projects");

// returns a SearchResponse<Person>>
var people = result.GetResponse<Person>("people");