Quick Start


NEST is a high level elasticsearch client that still maps very closely to the original elasticsearch API. Requests and Responses have been mapped to CLR objects and NEST also comes with a powerful strongly typed query dsl.



From the package manager console inside visual studio

PM> Install-Package NEST

Or search in the Package Manager UI for NEST and go from there



Assumming Elasticsearch is already installed and running on your machine, go to http://localhost:9200 in your browser. You should see a similar response to this:

  "status" : 200,
  "name" : "Sin-Eater",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "1.0.0",
    "build_hash" : "a46900e9c72c0a623d71b54016357d5f94c8ea32",
    "build_timestamp" : "2014-02-12T16:18:34Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "4.6"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

To connect to your local node using NEST, simply:

var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");

var settings = new ConnectionSettings(
    defaultIndex: "my-application"

var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

Here we create new a connection to our node and specify a default index to use when we don’t explictly specify one. This can greatly reduce the places a magic string or constant has to be used.

Specifying defaultIndex is optional but NEST might throw an exception later on if no index is specified.

In fact a simple new ElasticClient() is sufficient to chat with http://localhost:9200 but explicitly specifying connection settings is recommended.

node here is a Uri but can also be an IConnectionPool see the section on connecting



Now imagine we have a Person POCO

public class Person
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Firstname { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }

That we would like to index in Elasticsearch. Indexing is now as simple as calling.

var person = new Person
    Id = "1",
    Firstname = "Martijn",
    Lastname = "Laarman"

var index = client.Index(person);

This will index the object to /my-application/person/1. NEST is smart enough to infer the index and typename for the Person CLR type. It was also able to get the id of 1 through convention, by looking for an Id property on the specified object. Which property it will use for the Id can also be specified using the ElasticType attribute.

The default index and type names are configurable per type. See the nest section on connecting.

Imagine you want to override all the defaults for this one call, you should be able to do this with NEST and yes you can. NEST inferring is very powerful but if you want to pass explicit values you can always do so.

var index = client.Index(person, i=>i

This will index the document using /another-index/another-type/1-should-not-be-the-id?refresh=true&&ttl=1m as the url.



Now that we have indexed some documents we can begin to search for them.

var searchResults = client.Search<Person>(s=>s
         .Term(p=>p.Firstname, "martijn")

searchResults.Documents now holds the first 10 people it knows whose first name is Martijn

Please see the section on writing queries for details on how NEST helps you write terse elasticsearch queries.

Again, the same inferring rules apply as this will hit /my-application/person/_search and the same rule that inferring can be overridden also applies.

// uses /other-index/other-type/_search
var searchResults = client.Search<Person>(s=>s

// uses /_all/person/_search
var searchResults = client.Search<Person>(s=>s

// uses /_search
var searchResults = client.Search<Person>(s=>s

Object Initializer Syntax (OIS)


As you can see from the previous examples, NEST provides a terse, fluent syntax for constructing API calls to Elasticsearch. However, fear not if lambdas aren’t your thing, you can now use the new object initializer syntax (OIS) introduced in 1.0.

The OIS is an alternative to the familiar fluent syntax of NEST and works on all API endpoints. Anything that can be done with the fluent syntax can now also be done using the OIS.

For example, the earlier indexing example above can be re-written as

var indexRequest = new IndexRequest<Person>(person)
    Index = "another-index",
    Type = "another-type",
    Id = "1-should-not-be-the-id",
    Refresh = true,
    Ttl = "1m"

var index = client.Index(indexRequest);

and for searching

QueryContainer query = new TermQuery
    Field = "firstName",
    Value = "martijn"

var searchRequest = new SearchRequest
    From = 0,
    Size = 10,
    Query = query

var searchResults = Client.Search<Person>(searchRequest);

Many of the examples throughout this documentation will be written in both forms.