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Derivative Aggregation Usage
editDerivative Aggregation Usage
editFluent DSL example
edita => a .DateHistogram("projects_started_per_month", dh => dh .Field(p => p.StartedOn) .Interval(DateInterval.Month) .Aggregations(aa => aa .Sum("commits", sm => sm .Field(p => p.NumberOfCommits) ) .Derivative("commits_derivative", d => d .BucketsPath("commits") ) ) )
Object Initializer syntax example
editnew DateHistogramAggregation("projects_started_per_month") { Field = "startedOn", Interval = DateInterval.Month, Aggregations = new SumAggregation("commits", "numberOfCommits") && new DerivativeAggregation("commits_derivative", "commits") }
Example json output.
{ "projects_started_per_month": { "date_histogram": { "field": "startedOn", "interval": "month" }, "aggs": { "commits": { "sum": { "field": "numberOfCommits" } }, "commits_derivative": { "derivative": { "buckets_path": "commits" } } } } }
Handling Responses
editresponse.ShouldBeValid(); var projectsPerMonth = response.Aggregations.DateHistogram("projects_started_per_month"); projectsPerMonth.Should().NotBeNull(); projectsPerMonth.Buckets.Should().NotBeNull(); projectsPerMonth.Buckets.Count.Should().BeGreaterThan(0); var notNullDerivativeSeen = 0; // derivative not calculated for the first bucket foreach (var item in projectsPerMonth.Buckets.Skip(1)) { if (item.DocCount == 0) continue; var commitsDerivative = item.Derivative("commits_derivative"); commitsDerivative.Should().NotBeNull(); if (commitsDerivative.Value != null) notNullDerivativeSeen++; } notNullDerivativeSeen.Should().BeGreaterThan(0, "atleast one bucket should yield a derivative value surely!");