Release notes v8.1.0


A core theme of the 8.1.0 release is the reintroduction of many features which were missing from the 8.0 releases. The 8.x client still does NOT have full feature parity with NEST and we continue to work on closing these gaps.



Support for additional endpoints


Adds support for the following endpoints:

  • Cluster.AllocationExplain
  • Cluster.Stats
  • Cluster.PendingTasks
  • DanglingIndices.List
  • Enrich.DeletePolicy
  • Enrich.ExecutePolicy
  • Enrich.PutPolicy
  • Enrich.Stats
  • Graph.Explore
  • IndexManagement.UpdateAliases
  • Ingest.GeoIpStats
  • Ingest.GetPipeline
  • Ingest.ProcessorGrok
  • Ingest.PutPipeline
  • Ingest.Simulate
  • MultiTermVectors
  • RenderSearchTemplate
  • SearchTemplate
  • Tasks.Cancel
  • Tasks.Get
  • Tasks.List
  • TermVectors

Support for additional queries


Adds support for the following queries:

  • Geo distance
  • Geo bounding box
  • Geo polygon
  • Pinned
  • Range queries (date and numeric)
  • Raw (can be used as a client specific fallback for missing queries by sending raw JSON)

Support for additional aggregations


Adds support for the following aggregations:

  • Boxplot
  • Bucket sort
  • Composite
  • Cumulative sum
  • Geo bounds
  • Geo centroid
  • Geo distance
  • Geo line
  • Geohash grid
  • Geohex grid
  • Geotile grid
  • IP prefix
  • Multi terms
  • Rare terms
  • Significant terms
  • Weighted average

Other enhancements

  • Add support for geo distance sorting. Adds support for specifying a GeoDistanceSort on SortOptions.
  • Add support for weight score on FunctionScore. Adds support for specifying a weight score value on the FunctionScore type.
  • Code generate XML doc comments. The code generator now adds XML doc comments to types and members when present in the Elasticsearch specification. This acts as an aid when exploring the API in an IDE such as Visual Studio.
  • Add additional client overloads. Adds additional overloads to the ElasticsearchClient and namespaced sub-clients that allow consumers to provide a descriptor instance used when building requests.
  • Add support for bool query operators in Query DSL for object initializer syntax Adds support for using operators &&`, ||, ! and + to build up bool queries using the object initializer syntax. NOTE: Operators are not yet supported for combining queires defined using the fluent descriptor syntax.