8.12 Release notes


8.12.2 Release notes


Drops runtime dependency on base64. Thanks Earlopain! Pull Request: #2295).

8.12.1 Release notes


Adds base64 dependency

base64 was added to the gemspec, since starting in Ruby 3.4.0, base64 will no longer be part of the default gems and will no longer be in the standard library.

base64 is used forAPI key and Cloud ID. The dependency used to be declared in transport, but it’s not needed there since the implementation using it is in this codebase.

8.12.0 Release notes



  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.12.0: Ruby (MRI) 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. JRuby 9.3 and JRuby 9.4.



API Changes:

  • bulk - Adds boolean :list_executed_pipelines parameter: Sets list_executed_pipelines for all incoming documents. Defaults to unset (false).
  • indices.put_settings - Adds boolean :reopen parameter: Whether to close and reopen the index to apply non-dynamic settings. If set to true the indices to which the settings are being applied will be closed temporarily and then reopened in order to apply the changes. The default is false.
  • open_point_in_time - Adds Hash :body parameter: an index_filter specified with the Query DSL.
  • security.get_api_key - Adds boolean :active_only parameter: flag to limit response to only active (not invalidated or expired) API keys.

Version 8.12 introduces the experimental Connectors API.

Use the following APIs to manage connectors:

  • connector.post - Creates a connector. See documentation.
  • connector.put - Creates or updates a connector. See documentation.
  • connector.delete - Deletes a connector. See documentation.
  • connector.get - Returns the details about a connector. See documentation.
  • connector.list - Lists all connectors. See documentation.
  • connector.check_in - Updates the last_seen timestamp in the connector document. See documentation.
  • connector.update_configuration - Updates the connector configuration. See documentation.
  • connector.update_error - Updates the error field in the connector document. See documentation.
  • connector.update_filtering - Updates the filtering field in the connector document. See documentation.
  • connector.last_sync - Updates the stats of last sync in the connector document. See documentation.
  • connector.update_name - Updates the name and/or description fields in the connector document. See documentation.
  • connector.update_pipeline - Updates the pipeline field in the connector document. See documentation.
  • connector.update_scheduling - Updates the scheduling field in the connector document. See documentation.

Use the following APIs to manage sync jobs:

  • connector_sync_job.cancel - Cancels a connector sync job. See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.check_in - Checks in a connector sync job (refreshes last_seen). See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.delete - Deletes a connector sync job. See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.error - Sets an error for a connector sync job. See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.get - Returns the details about a connector sync job. See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.list - Lists all connector sync jobs. See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.post - Creates a connector sync job. See documentation.
  • connector_sync_job.update_stats - Updates the stats fields in the connector sync job document. See documentation.

New API for Universal profiling.

  • profiling.status - Returns basic information about the status of Universal Profiling.

New experimental API: