7.12 Release notes



  • Support for Elasticsearch version 7.12.0
  • Ruby 3 is now tested, it was added to the entire test suite.
  • New official documentation pages for configuration: Basic Configuration and Advanced Configuration.
  • Integration tests runner refactored to keep skipped tests in a yaml file.


  • New API namespace: features and endpoints features.get_features and snapshot.get_features.
  • cat.plugins adds parameter include_bootstrap: Include bootstrap plugins in the response.
  • Update in indices.close parameter wait_for_active_shards: Sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns. Set to index-setting to wait according to the index setting index.write.wait_for_active_shards, or all to wait for all shards, or an integer. Defaults to 0.
  • actions.search adds parameter min_compatible_shard_node: The minimum compatible version that all shards involved in search should have for this request to be successful.


  • New API namespace: text_structure and endpoints text_structure.find_structure.
  • New API namespace: logstash and endpoints logstash.delete_pipeline, logstash.get_pipeline, logstash.put_pipeline.
  • New API: eql.get_status.
  • APIs migrated from experimental to stable: autoscaling.delete_autoscaling_policy, autoscaling.get_autoscaling_capacity, autoscaling.get_autoscaling_policy, autoscaling.put_autoscaling_policy.
  • searchable_snapshots.mount adds parameter storage: Selects the kind of local storage used to accelerate searches. Experimental, and defaults to full_copy.
  • searchable_snapshots.stats adds parameter level: Return stats aggregated at cluster, index or shard level (options: cluster, indices, shards).