

elasticsearch-hadoop can work in secure environments and has support for authentication and authorization. However it is important to understand that elasticsearch-hadoop per-se is a connector, that is, it bridges two different systems. So when talking about security, it is important to understand to what system it applies: the connector can run within a secure Hadoop environment talking to a vanilla/non-secured Elasticsearch cluster. Or vice-versa, it can run within a non-secured Spark environment while talking securely to a Elasticsearch cluster. Of course, the opposite can happen as well; the connector running within a secure Hadoop environment and communicating with a secured Elasticsearch cluster or the most common use-case, running from an open Spark environment to a default, non-secured Elasticsearch install. This enumeration of setups is actually on purpose, to illustrate that based on what piece of the environment is secured, its respective connector configuration needs to be adjusted.

Secure Hadoop/Spark


As the connector runs as a library within Hadoop or Spark, for the most part it does not require any special configuration as it will inherit and run using the enclosing job/task credentials. In other words, as long as your Hadoop/Spark job is properly configured to run against the secure environment, elasticsearch-hadoop as library simply runs within that secured context using the already configured credentials. Settings this up is beyond the purpose of this documentation however it typically boils down to setting up the proper credentials on the configuration object used by the job/task.

Secure Elasticsearch


Elasticsearch itself can be secured which impacts clients (like elasticsearch-hadoop )on two fronts: transport layer which is now encrypted and access layer which requires authentication. Note that typically it is recommended to enable both options (secure transport and secure access).

SSL/TLS configuration


In case of an encrypted transport, the SSL/TLS support needs to be enabled in elasticsearch-hadoop in order for the connector to properly communicate with Elasticsearch. This is done by setting property to true and, depending on your SSL configuration (whether the certificates are signed by a CA or not, whether they are global at JVM level or just local to one application), might require setting up the keystore and/or truststore, that is where the credentials are stored (keystore - which typically stores private keys and certificates) and how to verify them (truststore - which typically stores certificates from third party also known as CA - certificate authorities). Typically (and again, do note that your environment might differ significantly), if the SSL setup for elasticsearch-hadoop is not already done at the JVM level, one needs to setup the keystore if the elasticsearch-hadoop security requires client authentication (PKI - Public Key Infrastructure), and setup truststore if SSL is enabled.



The authentication support in elasticsearch-hadoop is of two types:

Set these through and properties.
Use X.509 certificates to authenticate elasticsearch-hadoop to elasticsearch-hadoop. For this, one would need to setup the keystore containing the private key and certificate to the appropriate user (configured in Elasticsearch) and the truststore with the CA certificate used to sign the SSL/TLS certificates in the Elasticsearch cluster. That is one setup the key to authenticate elasticsearch-hadoop and also to verify that is the right one. To do so, one should setup the and properties to indicate the keystore and truststore to use. It is recommended to have these secured through a password in which case and properties are required.

Secure Settings


Added in 6.4.0.

elasticsearch-hadoop is configured using settings that sometimes contain sensitive information such as passwords. It may not be desirable for those property values to appear in the job configuration as plain text. For these situations, elasticsearch-hadoop supports reading some secure properties from a keystore file.

The elasticsearch-hadoop keystore currently only provides obfuscation. In the future, password protection will be added.

Only the following configurations can be read from the secure settings: * * * * * *

Provided with elasticsearch-hadoop is a keytool program that will allow you to create and add entries to a compatible keystore file.

$> java -classpath path/to/eshadoop.jar org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cli.Keytool <command> <args>

To create a keystore file in your working directory, run the create command:

$> java -classpath path/to/eshadoop.jar org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cli.Keytool create
$> ls

A list of the settings in the keystore is available with the list command:

$> java -classpath path/to/eshadoop.jar org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cli.Keytool list

Once a keystore file has been created, your sensitive settings can be added using the add command:

$> java -classpath path/to/eshadoop.jar org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cli.Keytool add

A prompt will appear and request the value for the setting. To pass the value through stdin, use the --stdin flag:

$> cat /file/containing/setting/value | java -classpath path/to/eshadoop.jar org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cli.Keytool add --stdin

To remove a setting from the keystore, use the remove command:

$> java -classpath path/to/eshadoop.jar org.elasticsearch.hadoop.cli.Keytool remove

Once your settings are all specified, you must make sure that the keystore is available on every node. This can be done by placing it on each node’s local file system, or by adding the keystore to the job’s classpath. Once the keystore has been added, its location must be specified with the es.keystore.location. To reference a local file, use a fully qualified file URL (ex file:///path/to/file). If the secure store is propagated using the command line, just use the file’s name.