Transforms settings in Elasticsearch


You do not need to configure any settings to use transforms. It is enabled by default.

All of these settings can be added to the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. The dynamic settings can also be updated across a cluster with the cluster update settings API.

Dynamic settings take precedence over settings in the elasticsearch.yml file.

General transforms settings


Set to true to identify the node as a transform node. If is false for the node, the default value is false. Otherwise, the default value is true.

If set to false in elasticsearch.yml, the node cannot run transforms. If you want to run transforms, there must be at least one transform node in your cluster.

On dedicated coordinating nodes or dedicated master nodes, disable the node.transform role.

[7.8.0] Deprecated in 7.8.0. Basic License features should always be enabled
This deprecated setting no longer has any effect.
xpack.transform.num_transform_failure_retries (Dynamic)
The number of times that a transform retries when it experiences a non-fatal error. Once the number of retries is exhausted, the transform task will be marked as failed. The default value is 10 with a valid minimum of 0 and maximum of 100. If a transform is already running, it will have to be restarted to use the changed setting.