Elasticsearch version 8.5.0


Elasticsearch version 8.5.0


Also see Breaking changes in 8.5.

Known issues

  • It is possible to inadvertently create an alias with the same name as an index in version 8.5.0. This action leaves the cluster in an invalid state in which several features will not work correctly, and it may not even be possible to restart nodes while in this state. Upgrade to 8.5.1 as soon as possible to avoid the risk of this occurring (#91456). If your cluster is affected by this issue, upgrade to 8.5.3 to repair it (#91887).
  • Machine learning datafeeds cannot be listed if any are not modified since version 6.x

    If you have a datafeed that was created in version 5.x or 6.x and has not been updated since 7.0, it is not possible to list datafeeds in 8.4 and 8.5. This means that anomaly detection jobs cannot be managed using Kibana. This issue is fixed in 8.6.0.

    If you upgrade to 8.4 or 8.5 with such a datafeed, you need to work around the problem by updating each datafeed’s authorization information using these steps.

  • Orchestrators which use a settings.json file to configure Elasticsearch may encounter deadlocks during master elections (issue: #92812)

    To resolve the deadlock, remove the settings.json file and restart the affected node.

  • Parsing a request when the last element in an array is filtered out (for instance using _source_includes) fails. This is due to a bug in Jackson parser. Fixed in Elasticsearch 8.6.1 (#91456)
  • When the ingest attachment processor is used, the interaction of Tika with log4j 2.18.0 and higher (introduced in Elasticsearch 8.4.0) results in excessive logging. This logging is so excessive that it can lead to cluster instability, to the point where the cluster is unusable and nodes must be restarted. (issue: #91964). This issue is fixed in Elasticsearch 8.7.0 (#93878)

    To resolve the issue, upgrade to 8.7.0 or higher.

Breaking changes

  • Reject unknown bulk actions #89450

Bug fixes

  • Fix auto_date_histogram > ip_range #90317 (issue: #90121)
  • Fail when rebuilding scorer in breadth_first mode and query context has changed #89993 (issue: #37650)
  • Fix merging with empty results #86939 (issue: #84622)
  • Fix partial reduce bug in ip_prefix #89734 (issue: #89686)
  • Remove unexpected meta parameter in aggregation response #89467 (issue: #89455)
  • Consistently allow sorting top_metrics aggregations whose size is greater than 1 #89974 (issue: #86663)
  • Check parent circuit breaker when allocating an empty bucket #89568 (issue: #80789)
  • Remove magic string for the "__empty" role #89766
  • Order follower backing indices for data streams by original name #90850 (issue: #90820)
Cluster Coordination
  • Capture deprecation warnings in batched master tasks #85525 (issue: #85506)
  • Check circuit breaker before sending join request #89318 (issue: #85003)
  • Fork TransportClusterStateAction to MANAGEMENT thread pool #90996
  • Fix "path.conf'" typo in Security.java #89248 (issue: #89327)
  • Buffer H3Polygon2D bounding boxes to avoid edge precision issues #89196 (issues: #89868, #87391)
  • Fix date histogram range edge case #88957
  • Format runtime geo_points #85449 (issue: #85245)
  • Generate error if scripts load _source with synthetic _source enabled #88334
  • Modify disk indicator details to provide an overview of the disk space health #90189
  • Fix disk indicator impacts and diagnosis #90262
  • Fix the details calculation of the disk indicator #90869
  • Report impact and diagnosis data nodes without disk space and no blocked indices #90772 (issue: #90442)
  • Update minimum version for health node reporting to 8.5 #90365 (issue: #90359)
Indices APIs
  • Fix allow_no_indices request option in special cases #89622
  • Fix repeated error save loops in File Settings Service #90271 (issue: #90222)
  • Fix date rounding for date math parsing #90458 (issue: #90187)
  • Fix disabling APM tracing for CancellableTask in TrainedModelAssignmentNodeService #90972 (issue: #89850)
  • Support camel case dates on 7.x indices #88914 (issue: #84199)
  • Fix true/false accumulation bug in boolean source fallback #90895
Ingest Node
  • Set the enrich maintenance cluster lifecycle listener only once #90486
Machine Learning
  • Require correct tier processors when multiple AZs are present #90903
  • Return 408 instead of 500 when open/start APIs time out #89775 (issue: #89585)
  • Fix duplication bug for source fallback in numeric types #89352
  • Include runtime fields in total fields count #89251 (issue: #88265)
  • Fix aggregate_metric_double multi-values exception #90290
  • Validate field names when subobjects are disabled #90950
  • Add fields to fix Logstash cgroup graphs #90493
  • Fix RecyclerBytesStreamOutput allocating unlimited heap for some capacities #90632
  • Fix overcounting recovered bytes after network disconnect #90477 (issue: #90441)
  • Add support for predefined char class regexp on wildcard fields #90064
  • Deduplicate fetching doc-values fields #89094
  • Don’t shortcut the total hit count for text fields #90341 (issue: #89760)
  • Safeguard RegExp use against StackOverflowError #84624 (issue: #82923)
  • Use MB rather than GB to calculate max boolean clauses #90309 (issue: #86136)
  • Fix incorrect failed shards count in APIs for current snapshots #89534
  • Fix over-allocation of mounted indices on a cold/frozen node #86331
  • Fix quadratic complexity in SnapshotStatus serialization #90795
  • Fork building snapshot status response off of transport thread #90651
  • Make sure listener is resolved when file queue is cleared #89929
  • Re-register a corrupt repository to unblock it #89719 (issue: #89130)
  • Reject unknown request body fields in mount API #88987 (issue: #75982)
  • Fix segment stats in TSDS #89754 (issue: #89609)
  • Fix extra fields in GET request for synthetic _source #89778
  • Fix scaled_float rounding for synthetic _source #88916 (issue: #88854)
  • Don’t fail a transform on a ClusterBlockException, this may be due to ILM closing an index #90396 (issue: #89802)
  • Fix NPE in transform scheduling #90347 (issues: #90356, #88203, #90301, #90255)
  • Improve error handling in state persistence #88910 (issue: #88905)
  • Return 408 instead of 500 when the start API times out #89774
Vector Search
  • Fix bug for kNN with filtered aliases #89621
  • Allow xpack.notification.email.account.domain_allowlist to be set dynamically #90426 (issue: #89913)
  • Handling timeout exceptions on watcher startup #90421 (issue: #44981)


  • Deprecate network plugins #88924
  • Deprecate overriding DiscoveryPlugin internals #88925


  • Add more accurate error message for LDAP user modes #89492
  • Add indices permissions to Enterprise Search service account #89869
  • Add information of resolved roles in denial messages #89680
  • Centralize the concept of processors configuration #89662
Cluster Coordination
  • Preemptively compute RoutingNodes and the indices lookup during publication #89005
  • Preemptively initialize routing nodes and indices lookup on all node types #89032
  • Batch index delete cluster state updates #90033 (issue: #90022)
  • Increase the minimum size of the management pool to 2 #90193
  • Add IDs to health API diagnoses and impacts #90072
  • Add a check to the master stability health API when there is no master and the current node is not master eligible #89219
  • Add logic to master_is_stable indicator to check for discovery problems #88020
  • Poll for cluster diagnostics information #89014
  • Update SLM health diagnosis message to include unhealthy policy details #89138
  • Improve efficiency of BoundedBreakIteratorScanner fragmentation algorithm #89041 (issues: #73569, #73785)
  • Add validations for the downsampling ILM action #90295
  • Ensure that ILM does not roll over empty indices #89557 (issue: #86203)
  • Reuse informational message in lifecycle step #89419
  • Move log-related logic into log block in IndexLifecycleRunner #89292
  • Add reserved /_snapshot/repo file based settings #89601
  • Add upgrade_status attributes to Fleet Agents #89845
  • Add support for /_autoscaling/policy for file based settings #89708
  • Add support for /_security/role_mapping for file based settings #89667
  • Add support for support for /_slm/policy in file based settings #89567
  • Retry file watch registration #90537 (issue: #89500)
Infra/Node Lifecycle
  • Distinguish no shutdowns case in NodeShutdownAllocationDecider #89851 (issue: #89823)
  • Add deprecation message for deprecated plugin APIs #88961
  • Register stable plugins in ActionModule #90067
  • Load plugin named components #89969
  • Initial code to support binary expression scripts #89895
  • Protect _source inside update scripts #88733
  • Reindex and UpdateByQuery metadata #88665
  • Add write Field API NestedDocument support #90021
  • Add write Field API path manipulation #89889
  • Add write Field API with basic path resolution #89738
  • Add write Fields API for reindex, update, and update by query #90145
  • Introduce max headroom for disk watermark stages #88639 (issue: #81406)
  • License check for user profile collaboration feature #89990
Machine Learning
  • Add measure of non-cache hit inference count #90464
  • Add new text_similarity nlp task #88439
  • Add new trained model deployment cache clear API #89074
  • Add processor autoscaling decider #89645
  • Distribute trained model allocations across availability zones #89822
  • Use a bitset for deduplication of frequent items #88943
  • Optimize frequent items transaction lookup #89062
  • Release native inference functionality as beta #90418
  • Return 408 when the start deployment API times out #89612
  • Skip renormalization after calling the node shutdown API #89347
  • Compute outlier feature influence via the Gateaux derivative to improve attribution for high dimension vectors #2256
  • Improve classification and regression model train runtimes for data sets with many numeric features #2380, #2388, #2390, #2401
  • Increase the limit on the maximum number of classes to 100 for training classification models #2395 (issue: #2246)
  • Add synthetic_source support to aggregate_metric_double fields #88909
  • Add source fallback for keyword fields using operation #88735
  • Add source fallback support for match_only_text mapped type #89473
  • Add source fallback support for date and date_nanos mapped types #89440
  • Add source fallback support for unsigned long mapped type #89349
  • Add support for source fallback with scaled float field type #89053
  • Add support for source fallback with the boolean field type #89052
  • Add text field support in the Painless scripting fields API #89396
  • Clarify that fielddata is not supported for text fields error message #89770 (issue: #89485)
  • Add new mappings for Fleet Agent last_checkin_message and components fields #89599
  • Support source fallback for byte, short, and long fields #88954
  • Support source fallback for double, float, and half_float field types #89010
  • Use chunked REST serialization for large REST responses #88311
  • Disable recovering from snapshots in searchable snapshots #86388
  • Implement DATE_FORMAT function #88388 (issue: #55065)
  • Set track_total_hits to false when not needed #89106 (issue: #88764)
  • Enable BloomFilter for _id of non-datastream indices #88409
  • In the field capabilities API, renew support for fields in the request body #88972 (issue: #86875)
  • Add usage stats report for user profiles #90123
  • Implement grace period for user profile activation #89566
  • Return limited-by role descriptors in Get/QueryApiKey response #89273
  • Add option to return profile uid in GetUser response #89570
  • Return 400 error for GetUserPrivileges call with API keys #89333
  • Show assigned role descriptors in Get/QueryApiKey response #89166
  • Add detailed errors in hasPrivileges response #89224
  • Add support for multiple UIDs to the GetProfile API #89023
  • Add support for comparing SnapshotsInProgress #89619 (issue: #88732)
  • Prioritize shard snapshot tasks over file snapshot tasks and limit the number of the concurrently running snapshot tasks #88209 (issue: #83408)
  • Introduce node mappings stats #89807
  • Support match_only_text for synthetic _source #89516
  • Support histogram field for synthetic _source #89833
  • Support version field type for synthetic _source #89706
  • Build _id without reparsing #88789
  • Return metric fields in the field caps API #88695
  • Add an unattended mode setting to transform #89212

New features

  • Introduce the new read_security cluster privilege #89790 (issue: #89245)
  • Enable the health node and the disk health indicator #90085 (issue: #84811)
  • Provide tracing implementation using OpenTelemetry and APM Java agent #88443 (issue: #84369)
  • Add the stable Plugin API module and analysis interfaces #88775
Machine Learning
  • Make bucket_correlation aggregation generally available #88655
  • Make bucket_count_ks_test aggregation generally available #88657
  • Support bulk updates of API keys #88856
  • Add a TSID global ordinal to TimeSeriesIndexSearcher #90035
  • Release time series data stream functionality #90116 (issue: #74660)
  • Add synthetic _source support for the ignore_above parameter on keyword fields #89466
Vector Search
  • Add synthetic _source support for dense_vector #89840


  • Fix fields API caching regression #90017


  • Upgrade Apache Commons Logging to 1.2 #85745 (issue: #40305)
  • Upgrade bundled JDK to Java 19 #90571