Run Enterprise Search server using downloads (packages)


Run Enterprise Search server using downloads (packages)


To use Enterprise Search features, you need an Elastic deployment. To use all Enterprise Search features, your deployment must include Enterprise Search server.

You can run an Elastic deployment, including Enterprise Search server, using packages provided by Elastic.

Elastic downloads (packages)


The Elastic downloads page provides installable packages for Elastic services.

Use these packages to install Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Enterprise Search within your development environment or on production systems you have provisioned.



Before installing Enterprise Search packages, you need to satisfy all dependencies:

  • 64-bit Linux or MacOS (10.13+).
  • Java 11.
  • 6GB of available RAM (4GB if running Elasticsearch on a separate machine).
  • 5GB of available storage.
  • Running installation of Elasticsearch
  • Running installation of Kibana



Follow the Enterprise Search download and installation steps for your distribution.

After installation, see Configuration for additional configuration details.

Elasticsearch version compatibility


Enterprise Search should be configured to run against an Elasticsearch node of the same version. This is the officially supported configuration.

Running different major version releases of Enterprise Search and Elasticsearch (e.g. Enterprise Search 7.x and Elasticsearch 6.x) is not supported, nor is running a minor version of Enterprise Search that is newer than the version of Elasticsearch (e.g. Enterprise Search 7.14 and Elasticsearch 7.13).

Running a minor version of Elasticsearch that is higher than Enterprise Search will generally work in order to facilitate an upgrade process where Elasticsearch is upgraded first (e.g. Enterprise Search 7.13 and Elasticsearch 7.14). In this configuration, a warning will be logged on Enterprise Search server startup, so it’s only meant to be temporary until Enterprise Search is upgraded to the same version as Elasticsearch.

Running different patch version releases of Enterprise Search and Elasticsearch (e.g. Enterprise Search 7.13.0 and Elasticsearch 7.13.1) is generally supported, though we encourage users to run the same versions of Enterprise Search and Elasticsearch down to the patch version.

See also the Elastic support compatibility matrix.