8.5.1 release notes


8.5.1 release notes


Upgrading to Enterprise Search 8.5.1? See Upgrading and migrating.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where a missing Github README could crash a Workplace Search Github content source sync job.

Known issues

  • Elastic Cloud downscales Enterprise Search nodes on deployments that don’t use Enterprise Search. Due to a bug, this also occurs for deployments that do not use App Search engines or Workplace Search content sources.

    • You may run into this issue if you only use the Elastic web crawler, native connectors, or existing indices, without creating a corresponding App Search engine.
    • The workaround is to re-enable Enterprise Search from the Edit page of your Elastic Cloud deployment. Then, create a corresponding App Search engine for the index, or search-* index, to avoid hitting the bug again.
  • Deployments do not collect Enterprise Search logs when using Docker images. See known issues for logs and logging for details.
  • Deployments do not collect Enterprise Search logs when using Enterprise Search service account tokens. See known issues for logs and logging for details and workaround.