Elastic Agent standalone configuration


Elastic Agent standalone configuration


Running Elastic Agent in standalone mode is an advanced use case. The documentation is incomplete and not yet mature. When possible, we recommend using Fleet-managed agents instead of standalone mode.

Standalone Elastic Agents are manually configured and managed locally on the systems where they are installed. To configure standalone Elastic Agents, specify settings in the elastic-agent.yml file deployed with the agent. Prior to installation, the file is located in the extracted Elastic Agent package. After installation, the file is copied to the directory described in Installation layout. To apply changes after installation, you must modify the installed file.

The following sections describe some settings you might need to configure to run an Elastic Agent standalone. For a full reference example, refer to the elastic-agent.reference.yml file.

The settings described here are available for standalone Elastic Agents. Settings for Fleet-managed agents are specified through the UI. You do not set them explicitly in a configuration file.

To get started quickly, you can use Fleet to generate a standalone configuration. You’ll still need to deploy and manage the file, though. For more information, see Run Elastic Agent standalone (advanced users).