Upgrading Kibana


Your existing Kibana version is generally compatible with the next minor version release of Elasticsearch. This means you should upgrade your Elasticsearch cluster(s) before or at the same time as Kibana. We cannot guarantee compatibility between major version releases so in those cases both Elasticsearch and Kibana must be upgraded together.

To upgrade Kibana:

  1. Create a snapshot of the existing .kibana index.
  2. Back up the kibana.yml configuration file.
  3. Take note of the Kibana plugins that are installed:

    • bin/kibana plugin --list on 4.x versions of Kibana.
    • bin/kibana-plugin list on 5.x versions of Kibana.
  4. To upgrade from an Archive File:

    1. Extract the new version of Kibana into a different directory. See steps below.
    2. Migrate any custom configuration from your old kibana.yml to your new one
    3. Follow other steps below to complete the new installation.
    4. Once the new version is fully configured and working with required plugins, remove the previous version of Kibana
  5. To upgrade using linux packages:

    1. If upgrading from Kibana 4.5.3 or older:

      1. Uninstall the existing Kibana package: apt-get remove kibana or yum remove kibana. There have been some installer issues between various versions of Kibana so uninstalling and reinstalling is safer than an upgrade from older versions of Kibana.
    2. From package repository:

      1. Update to the latest minor version repo appropriate for your distro, e.g. https://packages.elastic.co/kibana/4.6/(debian|centos)
      2. Update the package list: apt-get update or yum check-update
      3. Upgrade Kibana: apt-get install kibana or yum update kibana
    3. From RPM or DEB distributions:

      1. Download and install the latest package for your distro