Installing X-Pack in Kibana


Installing X-Pack in Kibana


After you install Kibana, you can optionally obtain and install X-Pack. For more information about how to obtain X-Pack, see

You must run the version of X-Pack that matches the version of Kibana you are running. See the Elastic Support Matrix for more information about product compatibility.

To install X-Pack in Kibana:

  1. Optional: If you want to install X-Pack on a machine that doesn’t have internet access:

    1. Manually download the X-Pack zip file: (sha1)

      The plugins for Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash are included in the same zip file. If you have already downloaded this file to install X-Pack on one of those other products, you can reuse the same file.

    2. Transfer the zip file to a temporary directory on the offline machine. (Do NOT put the file in the Elasticsearch plugins directory.)
  2. Run bin/kibana-plugin in your Kibana installation directory.

    bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack

    The plugin install scripts require direct internet access to download and install X-Pack. If your server doesn’t have internet access, specify the location of the X-Pack zip file that you downloaded to a temporary directory.

    bin/kibana-plugin install file:///path/to/file/

    The Kibana server needs to be able to write to files in the optimize directory. If you’re using sudo or su, run the plugin installation as the built-in kibana user. For example:

    sudo -u kibana bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack

    For more information, see Installing Plugins.

  3. Start Kibana.


To verify X-Pack installation, point your web browser at http://localhost:5601/ to open Kibana. You should be prompted to log in to Kibana. To log in, you can use the built-in elastic user and the password changeme.

SSL/TLS encryption is disabled by default, which means user credentials are passed in the clear. Do not deploy to production without enabling encryption! For more information, see Encrypting Communications.

You must also change the passwords for the built-in elastic user and the kibana user that enables Kibana to communicate with elasticsearch before deploying to production. For more information, see Setting Up User Authentication.

For more information about installing X-Pack across the Elastic Stack, see Installing X-Pack.