Create custom dashboard actionsedit

Custom dashboard actions, also known as drilldowns, allow you to create workflows for analyzing and troubleshooting your data. Drilldowns apply only to the panel that you created the drilldown from, and are not shared across all of the panels. Each panel can have multiple drilldowns.

Third-party developers can create drilldowns. To learn how to code drilldowns, refer to this example plugin.

Supported drilldownsedit

Kibana supports two types of drilldowns.

Some drilldowns are paid subscription features, while others are free. For a comparison of the Elastic subscription levels, refer the subscription page.

Dashboard drilldownsedit

Dashboard drilldowns enable you to open a dashboard from another dashboard, taking the time range, filters, and other parameters with you, so the context remains the same. Dashboard drilldowns help you to continue your analysis from a new perspective.

For example, if you have a dashboard that shows the overall status of multiple data center, you can create a drilldown that navigates from the overall status dashboard to a dashboard that shows a single data center or server.

URL drilldownsedit

[beta] This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. URL drilldowns enable you to navigate from a dashboard to internal or external URLs. Destination URLs can be dynamic, depending on the dashboard context or user interaction with a panel. For example, if you have a dashboard that shows data from a Github repository, you can create a URL drilldown that opens Github from the dashboard.

Some panels support multiple interactions, also known as triggers.

The variables you use to create a URL template depends on the trigger you choose. URL drilldowns support these types of triggers:

  • Single click — A single data point in the visualization.
  • Range selection — A range of values in a visualization.

For example, Single click has {{event.value}} and Range selection has {{event.from}} and {{}}.

To disable URL drilldowns on your Kibana instance, disable the plugin:

url_drilldown.enabled: false

Supported panelsedit

The following panels support dashboard and URL drilldowns.

Panel Dashboard drilldown URL drilldown








Data Table





Heat map



Horizontal Bar















Tag Cloud







Vertical Bar



Try it: Create a dashboard drilldownedit

To create dashboard drilldowns, you create or locate the dashboards you want to connect, then configure the drilldown that allows you to easily open one dashboard from the other dashboard.

Drilldown on pie chart that navigates to another dashboard

Create the dashboardedit

  1. Add the Sample web logs data.
  2. Create a new dashboard, then add the following panels:

    • [Logs] Heatmap
    • [Logs] Host, Visits, and Bytes Table
    • [Logs] Total Requests and Bytes
    • [Logs] Visitors by OS

      If you don’t see data for a panel, try changing the time filter.

  3. Save the dashboard. In the Title field, enter Host Overview.
  4. Open the [Logs] Web traffic dashboard.
  5. Set a search and filter.

    Search: extension.keyword: ("gz" or "css" or "deb")
    Filter: geo.src: CN

Create the drilldownedit

  1. In the toolbar, click Edit.
  2. Open the [Logs] Visitors by OS panel menu, then select Create drilldown.
  3. Give the drilldown a name, then select Go to dashboard.
  4. From the Choose a destination dashboard dropdown, select Host Overview.
  5. To carry over the filter, query, and date range, make sure that Use filters and query from origin dashboard and Use date range from origin dashboard are selected.

    Create drilldown with entries for drilldown name and destination
  6. Click Create drilldown.

    The drilldown is stored as dashboard metadata.

  7. Save the dashboard.

    If you fail to save the dashboard, the drilldown is lost when you navigate away from the dashboard.

  8. In the [Logs] Visitors by OS panel, click win 8, then select the drilldown.

    Drilldown on pie chart that navigates to another dashboard
  9. On the Host Overview dashboard, verify that the search query, filters, and date range are carried over.

Try it: Create a URL drilldownedit

[beta] This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. To create URL drilldowns, you add variables to a URL template, which configures the bahavior of the drilldown.

Drilldown on pie chart that navigates to Github

  1. Add the Sample web logs data.
  2. Open the [Logs] Web traffic dashboard. This isn’t data from Github, but works for demonstration purposes.
  3. In the toolbar, click Edit.
  4. Open the [Logs] Visitors by OS panel menu, then select Create drilldown.

    1. In the Name field, enter Show on Github.
    2. Select Go to URL.
    3. Enter the URL template:{{event.value}}

      The example URL navigates to Kibana issues on Github. {{event.value}} is substituted with a value associated with a selected pie slice. In URL preview, {{event.value}} is substituted with a dummy value.

      URL template input

    4. Click Create drilldown.

      The drilldown is stored as dashboard metadata.

  5. Save the dashboard.

    If you fail to save the dashboard, the drilldown is lost when you navigate away from the dashboard.

  6. On the [Logs] Visitors by OS panel, click any chart slice, then select Show on Github.

    URL drilldown popup

  7. On the page that lists the issues in the Kibana repository, verify the slice value appears in Github.
