Task Manager health monitoring


This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

The Task Manager has an internal monitoring mechanism to keep track of a variety of metrics, which can be consumed with either the health monitoring API or the Kibana server log.

The health monitoring API provides a reliable endpoint that can be monitored. Consuming this endpoint doesn’t cause additional load, but rather returns the latest health checks made by the system. This design enables consumption by external monitoring services at a regular cadence without additional load to the system.

Each Kibana instance exposes its own endpoint at:

$ curl -X GET api/task_manager/_health

Monitoring the _health endpoint of each Kibana instance in the cluster is the recommended method of ensuring confidence in mission critical services such as Alerting and Actions.

Configuring the monitored health statistics


The health monitoring API monitors the performance of Task Manager out of the box. However, certain performance considerations are deployment specific and you can configure them.

A health threshold is the threshold for failed task executions. Once a task exceeds this threshold, a status of warn or error is set on the task type execution. To configure a health threshold, use the xpack.task_manager.monitored_task_execution_thresholds setting. You can apply this this setting to all task types in the system, or to a custom task type.

By default, this setting marks the health of every task type as warning when it exceeds 80% failed executions, and as error at 90%. Set this value to a number between 0 to 100. The threshold is hit when the value exceeds this number. To avoid a status of error, set the threshold at 100. To hit error the moment any task fails, set the threshold to 0.

Create a custom configuration to set lower thresholds for task types you consider critical, such as alerting tasks that you want to detect sooner in an external monitoring service.

    error_threshold: 70
    warn_threshold: 50
      error_threshold: 50
      warn_threshold: 0

A default configuration that sets the system-wide warn threshold at a 50% failure rate, and error at 70% failure rate.

A custom configuration for the alerting:.index-threshold task type that sets a system wide warn threshold at 0% (which sets a warn status the moment any task of that type fails), and error at a 50% failure rate.

Consuming health stats


The health API is best consumed by via the /api/task_manager/_health endpoint.

Additionally, the metrics are logged in the Kibana DEBUG logger at a regular cadence. To enable Task Manager DEBUG logging in your Kibana instance, add the following to your kibana.yml:

      - context: plugins.taskManager
        appenders: [console]
        level: debug

These stats are logged based the number of milliseconds set in your xpack.task_manager.poll_interval setting, which means it could add substantial noise to your logs. Only enable this level of logging temporarily.

Making sense of Task Manager health stats


The health monitoring API exposes three sections: configuration, workload and runtime:


This section summarizes the current configuration of Task Manager. This includes dynamic configurations that change over time, such as poll_interval and max_workers, which can adjust in reaction to changing load on the system.


This section summarizes the work load across the cluster, including the tasks in the system, their types, and current status.


This section tracks excution performance of Task Manager, tracking task drift, worker load, and execution stats broken down by type, including duration and execution results.

Each section has a timestamp and a status that indicates when the last update to this section took place and whether the health of this section was evaluated as OK, Warning or Error.

The root status indicates the status of the system overall.

By monitoring the status of the system overall, and the status of specific task types of interest, you can evaluate the health of the Kibana Task Management system.