Share your workpad


Share your workpad


When you’ve finished your workpad, you can share it outside of Kibana.

Export workpads


Create a JSON file of your workpad that you can export outside of Kibana.

  1. From your workpad, click the Share workpad icon.
  2. Select Download as JSON.

    Export single workpad

Want to export multiple workpads? Go to the Canvas workpads view, select the workpads you want to export, then click Export.

Create a PDF


Create a PDF copy of your workpad that you can save and share outside of Kibana.

  1. If you are using a Gold or Platinum license, enable reporting in your config/kibana.yml file.
  2. From your workpad, click the Share workpad icon, then select PDF reports.
  3. Click Generate PDF.

    Generate PDF

Create a POST URL


Create a POST URL that you can use to automatically generate PDF reports using Watcher or a script.

For more information, refer to Automating report generation.

<<<<<<< HEAD . If you are using a Gold or Platinum license, enable reporting in your config/kibana.yml file.

  1. From your workpad, click the Share workpad icon in the upper left corner, then select PDF reports.
  1. From your workpad, click the Share workpad icon, then select PDF reports. >>>>>>> 809ec97649…​ [DOCS] Removed references to left (#60807)
  2. Click Copy POST URL.

    Create POST URL

Share the workpad on a website


[beta] This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Canvas allows you to create shareables, which are workpads that you download and securely share on any website. To customize the behavior of the workpad on your website, you can choose to autoplay the pages or hide the workpad toolbar.

<<<<<<< HEAD . If you are using a Gold or Platinum license, enable reporting in your config/kibana.yml file.

  1. From your workpad, click the Share this workpad icon in the upper left corner, then select Share on a website.
  1. From your workpad, click the Share this workpad icon, then select Share on a website. >>>>>>> 809ec97649…​ [DOCS] Removed references to left (#60807)
  2. On the Share on a website pane, follow the instructions.
  3. To customize the workpad behavior to autoplay the pages or hide the toolbar, use the inline parameters.

    To make sure that your data remains secure, the data in the JSON file is not connected to Kibana. Canvas does not display elements that manipulate the data on the workpad.

    Share the workpad on a website

    Shareable workpads encode the current state of the workpad in a JSON file. When you make changes to the workpad, the changes do not appear in the shareable workpad on your website.

Change the settings


After you’ve added the workpad to your website, you can change the autoplay and toolbar settings.

Change the autoplay settings

  1. In the lower right corner of the shareable workpad, click the settings icon.
  2. Click Auto Play, then change the settings.

    Autoplay settings

Change the toolbar settings

  1. In the lower right corner, click the settings icon.
  2. Click Toolbar, then change the settings.

    Hide toolbar settings