Add Parameters API


Adds one or more parameters to the synthetics app.



POST <kibana host>:<port>/api/synthetics/params

POST <kibana host>:<port>/s/<space_id>/api/synthetics/params



You must have all privileges for the Synthetics feature in the Observability section of the Kibana feature privileges.

Request body


The request body can contain either a single parameter object or an array of parameter objects. The parameter object schema includes the following attributes:

(Required, string) The key of the parameter.
(Required, string) The value associated with the parameter.
(Optional, string) A description of the parameter.
(Optional, array of strings) An array of tags to categorize the parameter.
(Optional, boolean) Whether the parameter should be shared across spaces.

When adding a single parameter, provide a single object. When adding multiple parameters, provide an array of parameter objects.



Here are examples of POST requests to add parameters, either as a single parameter or as an array of parameters:

To add a single parameter:

POST /api/synthetics/params
  "key": "your-key-name",
  "value": "your-parameter-value",
  "description": "Param to use in browser monitor",
  "tags": ["authentication", "security"],
  "share_across_spaces": true

To add multiple parameters:

POST /api/synthetics/params
    "key": "param1",
    "value": "value1"
    "key": "param2",
    "value": "value2"

The API returns a response based on the request. If you added a single parameter, it will return a single parameter object. If you added multiple parameters, it will return an array of parameter objects.

Response Example


The API response includes the created parameter(s) as JSON objects, where each parameter object has the following attributes:

  • id (string): The unique identifier of the parameter.
  • key (string): The key of the parameter.
  • value (string): The value associated with the parameter.
  • description (string, optional): The description of the parameter.
  • tags (array of strings, optional): An array of tags associated with the parameter.
  • share_across_spaces (boolean, optional): Indicates whether the parameter is shared across spaces.

Here’s an example response for a single added parameter:

  "id": "unique-parameter-id",
  "key": "your-key-name",
  "value": "your-param-value",
  "description": "Param to use in browser monitor",
  "tags": ["authentication", "security"],
  "share_across_spaces": true

And here’s an example response for adding multiple parameters:

    "id": "param1-id",
    "key": "param1",
    "value": "value1"
    "id": "param2-id",
    "key": "param2",
    "value": "value2"