Kibana 8.16.2


The 8.16.2 release includes the following enhancements and bug fixes.



In this release, we’ve introduced an image based on the hardened Wolfi image to provide additional security to our self-managed customers, and improve our supply chain security posture. Wolfi-based images require Docker version 20.10.10 or higher.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes Slack API connectors not displayed under Slack connector when adding new connector to rule (#202315).
  • Prevents resetting panel to undefined or empty last saved state (#203158).
Data ingestion and Fleet
  • Allows to create integration policy with no agent policies (#201051).
Elastic Observability solution
  • Preserves kuery filters when switching between Universal Profiling pages in new solution navigation (#203545).
  • Fixes error when opening rule flyout (#202386).
  • Handles ops genie as default connector (#201923).
Elastic Search solution
  • Adds ML as required plugin to Search Assistant (#204009).
  • Fixes web crawler name inconsistencies (#202738).
Elastic Security solution
For the Elastic Security 8.16.2 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
Kibana platform
  • Adds search as a term for elasticsearch solution_type (#201688).
  • Adds a11y connector improvements (#201590).
  • Fixes issue with generating short url when copying share link (#201475).
Kibana security
  • Fixes error with opening a point in time query for session deletion by now accounting for partial results (#203413).
  • Adds functionality to restrict unsupported log formats (#202994).
  • Adds functionality to restrict and reject CEF logs in Automatic Import and redirect to CEF integration instead (#201792).
  • Removes fields with @ from the script processor (#201548).
Lens & Visualizations
  • Fixes point visibility regression in TSVB (#202358).
Machine Learning
  • Trained Models: Fixes spaces sync to retrieve 10000 models (#202712).
  • Trained Models: Shows deployment stats for unallocated deployments (#202005).
  • Trained Models: Fixes start deployment with ML autoscaling and 0 active nodes (#201256).
  • Trained Models: Fixes NaN in a progress bar during the download task initialization (#201221).
  • Single Metric Viewer embeddable: Fixes continuous job refetch when errors are encountered (#199726).