Logstash 8.10.0 Release Notes

Logstash 8.10.0 Release Notes

Known issues

These plugins may fail in Logstash 8.10.0:

  • Avro codec plugin. The avro codec plugin may fail with an (Errno::ENOENT) No such file or directory error #42. This issue has been resolved in plugin v3.4.1 #43.
  • Imap input plugin. Due to JRuby upgrade, the plugin is broken and will be unbundled. Details and updates are available in GitHub issue #61.
  • Email output plugin. Plugin raises LoadError: no such file to load -- net/smtp runtime error. See the issue details and work around in GitHub issue #68.

Notable issues fixed

  • Fixed issues in Dead Letter Queue (DLQ):

    • java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException when finalizing the segment #15233
    • DLQ file using wrong sort order #15246

Updates to dependencies

  • Updated JRuby to #15283
  • Removed custom bundler and used JRuby bundled bundler #15066


Elasticsearch Output - 11.16.0

  • Added support to Serverless Elasticsearch #114

Elastic_serverless_forwarder input 0.1.2

  • Introduces a dedicated input plugin for receiving events from Elastic Serverless Forwarder. This plugin is in late Technical Preview, which means that as we iterate toward a stable API both configuration options and implementation details may change in subsequent releases without the usual deprecation warnings. If you use this plugin, please keep your eye on the relevant changelogs when upgrading. #4

Kafka Integration - 11.3.0

  • Changed Kafka client to 3.4.1 #145

Tcp Input - 6.3.5

  • Standardized SSL settings #213

    • deprecated ssl_enable in favor of ssl_enabled
    • deprecated ssl_cert in favor of ssl_certificate
    • deprecated ssl_verify in favor of ssl_client_authentication when mode is server
    • deprecated ssl_verify in favor of ssl_verification_mode when mode is client