Logstash 8.15.0 Release Notes

Logstash 8.15.0 Release Notes

Announcing the new Logstash SNMP integration plugin

The new logstash-integration-snmp plugin is available and bundled with Logstash 8.15.0 (and later) by default. This plugin combines our classic logstash-input-snmp and logstash-input-snmptrap plugins into a single Ruby gem at v4.0.0 and later.

The logstash-integration-snmp plugin combines the logstash-input-snmp and logstash-input-snmptrap plugins into one integrated plugin that encompasses the capabilities of both. This integrated plugin package provides better alignment in snmp processing, better resource management, easier package maintenance, and a smaller installation footprint.

Breaking change with release of logstash-integration-snmp

Prior to 8.15.0, Logstash bundled stand-alone versions of the input-snmp and input-snmptrap plugins by default. When you upgrade to 8.15.0, the stand-alone plugins are replaced by the 4.0.0+ version contained in the new integration.

Before you upgrade to Logstash 8.15.0, be aware of behavioral and mapping differences between stand-alone plugins and the new versions included in integration-snmp. If you need to maintain current mappings for the input-snmptrap plugin, you have options to preserve existing behavior.

New features and enhancements

Wolfi-flavored Docker Image

Starting with 8.15.0, Logstash provides an extra Docker image flavor based on the Wolfi Linux distribution: https://github.com/wolfi-dev. (#16189). To use the image append "-wolfi" to the image name:

docker run docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash-wolfi:8.15.0

This new image flavor builds on top of a smaller and more secure base image, and is planned to become the default flavor in the next major version of Logstash.

Performance improvements and notable issues fixed

  • Improved performance in pipeline-to-pipeline workloads by removing lock contention in event serialization #16194
  • Fixed pqcheck handling of paths with spaces on Windows #16205

Other changes to Logstash core

  • Changed rollover strategy in log4j2.properties to delete compressed files older than 7 days #16179
  • Fixed handling and reporting of compilation error when a pipeline didn’t fit the JVM’s ThreadStackSize #16336
  • Fixed missing deprecation logging in deprecated Logstash core settings #16348
  • Fixed innacurate accounting of queue_size_in_bytes metric when using clean_consumed option in dead_letter_queue input plugin #16195

Updates to dependencies

  • Updated bundled JDK to 21 #16055
  • Updated JRuby to #16278

Documentation enhancements

Plugin releases

De_dot Filter - 1.1.0

  • Add support for recursively searching sub-fields with the new recusive => config option #24

Elastic_integration Filter - 0.1.13

  • Update default elasticsearch tree branch to 8.15 #156

Geoip Filter - 7.3.0

  • Added support for MaxMind GeoIP2 Enterprise and Anonymous-IP databases #223
  • Updated MaxMind dependencies.

Http Filter - 1.6.0

  • Added new ssl_enabled setting for enabling/disabling the SSL configurations #52

Http_poller Input - 5.6.0

  • Added new ssl_enabled setting for enabling/disabling the SSL configurations #146

Aws Integration - 7.1.7

  • Remove empty temporary dirs at plugin close #46

Kafka Integration - 11.5.0

  • Add "auto_create_topics" option to allow disabling of topic auto creation #172

Snmp Integration - 4.0.4

  • Introduce Snmp Integration by default, replacing Snmp Input v1.3.3 and Snmptrap Input v3.1.0 #67

Http Output - 5.7.0

  • Added new ssl_enabled setting for enabling/disabling the SSL configurations #144

Redis Output - 5.2.0

  • Added support to SSL/TLS configurations #69
  • ssl_enabled
  • ssl_certificate_authorities
  • ssl_certificate
  • ssl_key
  • ssl_verification_mode
  • ssl_supported_protocols
  • ssl_cipher_suites
  • Added basic support for SSL #59
  • Fixed documentation of required settings #61