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Getting Started


This getting started guide walks you through installing Marvel and using the Marvel Kibana app to monitor your Elasticsearch cluster. This simple installation stores data in the cluster that you are monitoring. In production, set up a separate monitoring cluster so you can still access your monitoring data if there’s a serious problem with the cluster you’re monitoring.

To install Marvel:

  1. Install the Marvel agent plugin on each node in your cluster:

    1. Run bin/plugin install from ES_HOME to install the License plugin:

      bin/plugin install license
    2. Run bin/plugin install to install the Marvel agent plugin.

      bin/plugin install marvel-agent

      If you are using a DEB/RPM distribution of Elasticsearch, run the installation with superuser permissions. To perform an offline installation, download the Marvel binaries.

  1. If you have disabled automatic index creation in Elasticsearch, configure action.auto_create_index in elasticsearch.yml to allow Marvel to create the .marvel-* indices:

    action.auto_create_index: .marvel-*

    If you have Shield installed, you must also allow Shield to create the .security index.

  2. Start Elasticsearch.

    1. Install the Marvel app into Kibana by running bin/kibana plugin in your Kibana installation directory. If you need to install Kibana, see Getting Kibana Up and Running.

      bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
    2. Start Kibana by running bin/kibana.
    3. To verify your Marvel installation, point your web browser at http://localhost:5601/ to open Kibana, click the App Switcher icon in the Kibana menu bar, and select Marvel.

      Kibana App Switcher

      Marvel should display a list of the clusters you are monitoring.

      Cluster Overview

Now you’re ready to use Marvel to monitor and analyze your Elasticsearch nodes!

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