Elastic Security ECS field reference


This section lists ECS fields Elastic Security uses to display data.

It is recommended to use Beats to ship your data. Beat modules (for example, Filebeat modules) are ECS-compliant so manual field mapping is not required, and all Elastic Security app data is automatically populated. If you cannot use Beats, map your data to ECS fields (see how to map data to ECS). You can also try using the experimental ECS Mapper tool.

Host fields


These fields must be mapped to display host data in the Elastic Security app:

  • @timestamp
  • host.name

These fields can be mapped to display additional host data in the Elastic Security app:

  • cloud.instance.id
  • cloud.machine.type
  • cloud.provider
  • cloud.region
  • host.architecture
  • host.id
  • host.ip
  • host.mac
  • host.os.family
  • host.os.name
  • host.os.platform
  • host.os.version

Authentication fields


These fields must be mapped to display host authentication data in the Elastic Security app:

  • event.category

    To display authentication data in the Elastic Security app, you must map authentication events to the event.category field with a value of authentication.

  • event.outcome

This field can be mapped to display additional host authentication data in the Elastic Security app:

  • user.name

Uncommon process fields


This field must be mapped to display host uncommon process data in the Elastic Security app:

  • process.name

These fields can be mapped to display additional uncommon process data in the Elastic Security app:

  • agent.type
  • event.action
  • event.category
  • event.code
  • event.dataset
  • event.module
  • process.args
  • user.id
  • user.name

Network fields


These fields must be mapped to display network data in the Elastic Security app:

  • @timestamp
  • destination.geo.location (required for displaying map data)
  • destination.ip
  • source.geo.location (required for displaying map data)
  • source.ip

These fields can be mapped to display additional network data in the Elastic Security app:

  • destination.as
  • destination.bytes
  • destination.domain
  • destination.geo.country_iso_code
  • source.as
  • source.bytes
  • source.domain
  • source.geo.country_iso_code

DNS query fields


These fields must be mapped to display DNS data in the Elastic Security app:

  • dns.question.name
  • dns.question.registered_domain

This field can be mapped to display additional DNS data in the Elastic Security app:

  • dns.question.type

    If you want to be able to filter out PTR records, make sure relevant events populate the dns.question.type field with a value of PTR.

HTTP request fields


These fields must be mapped to display HTTP request data in the Elastic Security app:

  • http.request.method
  • http.response.status_code
  • url.domain
  • url.path

TLS fields


This field must be mapped to display TLS data in the Elastic Security app:

  • tls.server.hash.sha1

These fields can be mapped to display additional TLS data in the Elastic Security app:

  • tls.server.issuer
  • tls.server.ja3s
  • tls.server.not_after
  • tls.server.subject

Event and external alert fields


These fields must be mapped to display event and external alert data in the Elastic Security app:

  • @timestamp
  • event.kind

    For external alerts, the event.kind field value must be alert.

These fields can be mapped to display additional event and external alert data in the Elastic Security app:

  • destination.bytes
  • destination.geo.city_name
  • destination.geo.continent_name
  • destination.geo.country_iso_code
  • destination.geo.country_name
  • destination.geo.region_iso_code
  • destination.geo.region_name
  • destination.ip
  • destination.packets
  • destination.port
  • dns.question.name
  • dns.question.type
  • dns.resolved_ip
  • dns.response_code
  • event.action
  • event.category
  • event.code
  • event.created
  • event.dataset
  • event.duration
  • event.end
  • event.hash
  • event.id
  • event.module
  • event.original
  • event.outcome
  • event.provider
  • event.risk_score_norm
  • event.risk_score
  • event.severity
  • event.start
  • event.timezone
  • event.type
  • file.ctime
  • file.device
  • file.extension
  • file.gid
  • file.group
  • file.inode
  • file.mode
  • file.mtime
  • file.name
  • file.owner
  • file.path
  • file.size
  • file.target_path
  • file.type
  • file.uid
  • host.id
  • host.ip
  • http.request.body.bytes
  • http.request.body.content
  • http.request.method
  • http.request.referrer
  • http.response.body.bytes
  • http.response.body.content
  • http.response.status_code
  • http.version
  • message
  • network.bytes
  • network.community_id
  • network.direction
  • network.packets
  • network.protocol
  • network.transport
  • pe.original_file_name
  • process.args
  • process.executable
  • process.hash.md5
  • process.hash.sha1
  • process.hash.sha256
  • process.name
  • process.parent.executable
  • process.parent.name
  • process.pid
  • process.ppid
  • process.title
  • process.working_directory
  • rule.reference
  • source.bytes
  • source.geo.city_name
  • source.geo.continent_name
  • source.geo.country_iso_code
  • source.geo.country_name
  • source.geo.region_iso_code
  • source.geo.region_name
  • source.ip
  • source.packets
  • source.port
  • user.domain
  • user.name