AWS RDS Snapshot Deleted


Identifies the deletion of an AWS RDS DB snapshot. Snapshots contain a full backup of an entire DB instance. Unauthorized deletion of snapshots can make it impossible to recover critical or sensitive data. This rule detects deleted snapshots and instances modified so that backupRetentionPeriod is set to 0 which disables automated backups and is functionally similar to deleting the system snapshot.

Rule type: eql

Rule indices:

  • filebeat-*
  • logs-aws.cloudtrail-*

Severity: medium

Risk score: 47

Runs every: 5m

Searches indices from: now-10m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum alerts per execution: 100



  • Domain: Cloud
  • Data Source: AWS
  • Data Source: Amazon Web Services
  • Data Source: AWS RDS
  • Use Case: Asset Visibility
  • Tactic: Impact

Version: 1

Rule authors:

  • Elastic

Rule license: Elastic License v2

Rule query

any where event.dataset == "aws.cloudtrail"
    and event.provider == ""
    and event.outcome == "success"
    and (
        event.action in ("DeleteDBSnapshot", "DeleteDBClusterSnapshot") or
        (event.action == "ModifyDBInstance" and stringContains(aws.cloudtrail.request_parameters, "backupRetentionPeriod=0"))