Breaking Changes in 2.0.0

  • Monitoring 2.0.0 is a complete rewrite from Monitoring 1.3. If you are upgrading from Monitoring 1.3, note that the Monitoring agent plugin only needs to be installed on the Elasticsearch nodes you are monitoring. If you need to stop collecting data from a node, remove the plugin or set the xpack.monitoring.enabled configuration parameter to false. (The xpack.monitoring.agent.enabled parameter is no longer supported.)
  • All files that Shield uses must be kept in the configuration directory due to the enhanced security of Elasticsearch 2.0.
  • The network format has been changed from all previous versions of Shield and a full cluster restart is required to upgrade to Shield 2.0.
  • The dynamic index names support has been removed and Elasticsearch’s date math index names support should be used instead. The only difference between Watcher’s dynamic index names support and Elasticsearch’s date math index names support is how timezones are expressed. In Watcher this is done via node settings, in Elasticsearch the timezone is part of the date math index names support. Only if you’re using dynamic index names with timezones in Watcher then you need to upgrade your watches after the upgrade, otherwise your watches will work as they did before the upgrade. For example if watcher.dynamic_indices.time_zone setting was set to +01:00 and a watch has the following index name <logstash-{now/d}> then after the upgrade you need to update this watch to use the following index name <logstash-{now/d{YYYY.MM.dd|+01:00}}>.