

Metrics contain application metric data captured by an APM agent.

Metric Schema


The APM Server uses JSON Schema for validating requests. The specification for metrics is defined below:

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "docs/spec/metricsets/common_metricset.json",
    "type": "object",
    "description": "Metric data captured by an APM agent",
    "properties": {
        "samples": {
            "type": ["object"],
            "description": "Sampled application metrics collected from the agent.",
            "patternProperties": {
                "^[^*\"]*$": {
                    "$ref": "sample.json"
            "additionalProperties": false
        "tags": {
            "type": ["object", "null"],
            "description": "A flat mapping of user-defined tags with string values.",
            "patternProperties": {
                "^[^*\"]*$": {
                    "type": ["string", "null"],
                    "maxLength": 1024
            "additionalProperties": false
    "required": ["samples"]
    "$id": "docs/spec/metricsets/v2_metricset.json",
    "type": "object",
    "description": "Data captured by an agent representing an event occurring in a monitored service",
    "allOf": [

        { "$ref": "common_metricset.json"  },
        { "$ref": "../timestamp_epoch.json"},
        {"required": ["timestamp"], "properties": {"timestamp": { "type": "integer" }}}