
Derek Ditch



PHOREAL Malware Targets the Southeast Asian Financial Sector

PHOREAL Malware Targets the Southeast Asian Financial Sector

Elastic Security discovered PHOREAL malware, which is targeting Southeast Asia financial organizations, particularly those in the Vietnamese financial sector.

The Elastic Container Project for Security Research

The Elastic Container Project for Security Research

The Elastic Container Project provides a single shell script that will allow you to stand up and manage an entire Elastic Stack using Docker. This open source project enables rapid deployment for testing use cases.

Doing time with the YIPPHB dropper

Doing time with the YIPPHB dropper

Elastic Security Labs outlines the steps collect and analyze the various stages of the REF4526 intrusion set. This intrusion set uses a creative approach of Unicode icons in Powershell scripts to install a loader, a dropper, and RAT implants.

ICEDIDs network infrastructure is alive and well

ICEDIDs network infrastructure is alive and well

Elastic Security Labs details the use of open source data collection and the Elastic Stack to analyze the ICEDID botnet C2 infrastructure.

Extracting Cobalt Strike Beacon Configurations

Extracting Cobalt Strike Beacon Configurations

Part 2 - Extracting configurations from Cobalt Strike implant beacons.

CUBA Ransomware Campaign Analysis

CUBA Ransomware Campaign Analysis

Elastic Security observed a ransomware and extortion campaign leveraging a combination of offensive security tools, LOLBAS, and exploits to deliver the CUBA ransomware malware.

Going Coast to Coast - Climbing the Pyramid with the Deimos Implant

Going Coast to Coast - Climbing the Pyramid with the Deimos Implant

The Deimos implant was first reported in 2020 and has been in active development; employing advanced analysis countermeasures to frustrate analysis. This post details the campaign TTPs through the malware indicators.

FORMBOOK Adopts CAB-less Approach

FORMBOOK Adopts CAB-less Approach

Campaign research and analysis of an observed FORMBOOK intrusion attempt.

Collecting and operationalizing threat data from the Mozi botnet

Collecting and operationalizing threat data from the Mozi botnet

The Mozi botnet is an ongoing malware campaign targeting unsecured and vulnerable networking devices. This post will showcase the analyst journey of collecting, analyzing, and operationalizing threat data from the Mozi botnet.

Collecting Cobalt Strike Beacons with the Elastic Stack

Collecting Cobalt Strike Beacons with the Elastic Stack

Part 1 - Processes and technology needed to extract Cobalt Strike implant beacons