




This Week in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene - 2018-06-29

Elastic APM Ruby Agent 1.0 is Generally Available

The Ruby version of the Elastic APM Agent is now generally available as 1.0!

How to Search Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Text with Elasticsearch 6.2 - Part 3: Language Detector

Get logs and metrics from your systems with Beats System modules

Elastic Beats System modules collect key operating system logs and metrics and present them visually so that you can work more efficiently.

Keeping up with Kibana: The week of June 25th, 2018

TypeScript Support Completed In Platform

Monitoring Java applications with Metricbeat and Jolokia

Overview of current features and future plans for Java application monitoring with Metricbeat and Jolokia.

This Week in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene - 2018-06-22

Improving Kibana’s Query Language

Interactive inputs on Kibana Dashboards