




This Week in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene - 2019-03-29

An Introduction to Cross-Cluster Replication in Elasticsearch

Cross-cluster replication is now natively available and production-ready in Elasticsearch 6.7.0, enabling you to replicate your data across the globe with ease.

Creating frozen indices with the Elasticsearch Freeze index API

Elastic Stack 7.0.0 RC1 Released

The first release candidate for 7.0 is here. Say heya to 7.0.0-rc1. Learn about the new features, try it out, and become an Elastic Pioneer.

Helper Node Series | Imma Valls: Teaching Kids to Read at LECXIT

Helper Node highlights how our Elasticians use their volunteer time off. Learn how Imma Valls uses her time to teach kids how to read at her local library.

Elasticsearch 6.7.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Elasticsearch 6.7.0, based on Lucene 7.7.0.

Kibana 6.7.0 released

Kibana 6.7 is here! Learn about the latest updates, including the new Maps app (beta), added support for ILM and frozen indices, uptime monitoring, and more.

Logstash 6.7.0 released

We're excited to share the newest Logstash released with you. Meet version 6.7.0.

Elastic Uptime Monitoring solution released

Service availability is one of the most important success metrics in service delivery. Proactive monitoring lets you discover issues sooner, for happier users