Elastic Advent Calendar 2017, Week 3

Week three of the Elastic Advent Calendar leads us towards the last of the series. If you’re just joining us, this calendar is how we’re celebrating the end of the year — by sharing a daily Elastic Stack tip in our community discussion forums. You can catch up on the first two weeks by heading over here.

French, Korean and English feature this week, and we have topics ranging from Elastic Cloud Enterprise, through to building your own crawler that indexes pages to Elasticsearch and a fantastic post on monitoring Kubernetes using the Elastic Stack.

As usual you can follow along live by checking out or subscribing to the Advent Calendar Discuss category, or watch for the daily tweeting on @elastic.

Here’s a sample of what we’ve posted from our third week;

Dec 15: [EN][Elasticsearch][Using the Reindex API to migrate from multiple _types in Elasticsearch 6.0] by Abdon Pijpelink

Every document in Elasticsearch has a type. It has long been the recommendation of Elastic to use only one document type per index, but with the release of version 6.0 this has become more than just advice. For new indices, Elasticsearch now only accepts one document type per index, as a first step to the complete removal of document types in future versions of Elasticsearch.

Dec 16: [[FR][Elasticsearch] Tests de performance pour votre plugin Elasticsearch]](https://discuss.elastic.co/t/dec-15th-2017-en-elasticsearch-going-from-multiple-types-to-one-type-with-the-reindex-api/111315) by David Pilato

Imaginons que nous ayons développé un nouveau plugin Ingest pour Elasticsearch. Se pose la question de l'impact éventuel sur les performances lors de l'insertion de nouveaux documents. Aujourd'hui, nous allons voir comment utiliser Rally2 pour comparer les performances d'ingestion entre un pipeline vide et un pipeline utilisant notre plugin.

Dec 17: [EN][ElasticCloudEnterprise] ECE from the trenches by Mat Schaffer

The Elastic Cloud service runs Elastic Cloud Enterprise (ECE) every day. And over time we've developed quite a bit of monitoring around it. If you're running ECE in your own environment, here are a few things that you'll want to keep an eye on based on our own experiences.

Dec 18: [KR][Elasticsearch] Sparse Doc Value가 부리는 마법 by Jongmin Kim

6.0 에 추가된 기능 중에 Sparse Doc Value 가 있습니다. 간단하게 설명드리자면, Elasticsearch가 저장하는 Doc Value 는 기존에는 중간중간 비어있는 값이 있어도 값에 대한 저장 공간을 확보 하고 있었습니다.

Dec 19: [EN][Kibana] A Brief Tour of Kubernetes Monitoring with the Elastic Stack by Tyler Langlois

If you're a kubernaut (and I'll assume you are from here on out), running these DaemonSets3 on your cluster is sufficient to start collecting data. You'll need the rest of the stack running somewhere to store documents for each Beat and use Kibana, but the rest is pretty hands-off. The aforementioned DaemonSets encapsulate the necessary settings to let Filebeat and Metricbeat pull in the requisite data.

Dec 20: [EN][Elasticsearch] Build your own Google with Elasticsearch and Gopa by Medcl Zeng

The goal here is to build a vertical search engine, which is used to search all the elasticsearch related stuff. This is a “Google” focus on Elastic topics, and we hope to use it find Elastic articles, posts or Discuss posts in one place and so we are going to index the websites elastic.co and discuss.elastic.co.

Dec 21: [EN][Elasticsearch] Knobs to turn for better indexing performance by Sherry Ger

You have a high volume logging use case and have followed the existing best practises. What other knobs can you turn to improve indexing performance?

Happy reading! If you’re looking for other great pieces of reading, we recommend checking out our inspiration calendars — the Elastic Stack calendar on Qiita (fully in Japanese) and SysAdvent (in English). And don’t be afraid to leave some feedback on the posts — we’d love to hear your thoughts!