Jobrapido: Powering the Search for Employment

Searching for a job in general can quickly become a full-time job, we all know....

Allowing others to find their dream vacancy in 58 different countries with a state-of-the-art search solution that scales and is able to understand up to 18 different languages is a different matter, and the team at Jobrapido knows it very well.

58 countries.

20 million monthly job listings.

60 million registered users.

Headquartered in Milan, Jobrapido allows millions of people to quickly find relevant results when searching for a job. Elasticsearch is powering its searches — providing great search throughputs and delivering contextualised relevant results in the blink of an eye.

Since the end of 2014, Jobrapido has migrated its global infrastructure to rely on Elasticsearch to handle 20,000+ requests per second for its 60 million globally distributed registered users. They make use of a wide range of features, including custom language analyzers, stopwords, and stemming for all the major languages, as well as percolations and aggregations to improve search results — helping users find jobs that are tailored to their history and preferences, and providing a seamless search experience overall.

"They're one of those customers that have a strong interest and passion for the product. I'm lucky to have them."

Supporting Jobrapido and its awesome search team, led by Salvatore Vadacca, is one of my tasks and surely it's always been a pleasant one. Their use case is one of the most feature rich and advanced for free text search that I have had the chance to directly support. I am impressed and inspired by the passion and dedication of the Jobrapido search team, always striving for perfection and actively exploring new ways to make your life better when you're on a quest for a job.

At Elastic{ON}16, Salvatore and I got a chance to talk about what it's been like working together for the past year and a half. We recorded it in this video:

There's still quite some time ahead, but I can already say that I look forward to seeing Salvatore and company again next year at Elastic{ON}17, our epic yearly user conference in San Francisco (Register now to receive Elastic{ON}17 updates!). That's where we had the chance to meet, know each other better and also have beers and play some table football. ;-)