Elastic Security Labs

BLISTER Configuration Extractor

用于从 BLISTER 样本中提取配置和有效负载的 Python 脚本。

2 min read工具

用于从 BLISTER 样本中提取配置和有效负载的 Python 脚本。

Download blister-config-extractor.tar.gz

Getting Started

This tool provides a Python module and command line tool that will extract configurations from the BLISTER malware loader and dump the results to screen.

For information on the BLISTER malware loader and campaign observations, check out our blog posts detailing this:


We can easily run the extractor with Docker, first we need to build the image:

docker build . -t blister-config-extractor

Then we run the container with the -v flag to map a host directory to the docker container directory:

docker run -ti --rm -v \
"$(pwd)/binaries":/binaries blister-config-extractor:latest -d /binaries/

We can either specify a single sample with -f option or a directory of samples with -d.

Running it Locally

As mentioned above, Docker is the recommended approach to running this project, however you can also run this locally. This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies, testing, and metadata. If you have Poetry installed already, from this directory, you can simply run the following commands to run the tool. This will setup a virtual environment, install the dependencies, activate the virtual environment, and run the console script.

poetry lock
poetry install
poetry shell
blister-config-extractor -h

Once that works, you can do the same sort of things as mentioned in the Docker instructions above.
