Dissecting REMCOS RAT: An in- depth analysis of a widespread 2024 malware, Part Four

Part four: Detections, hunts using ES|QL, and conclusion

剖析 REMCOS RAT:深入分析广泛传播的 2024 恶意软件,第四部分

Detections, hunts using ES|QL, and conclusion

In previous articles in this multipart series [1] [2] [3], malware researchers on the Elastic Security Labs team decomposed the REMCOS configuration structure and gave details about its C2 commands. In this final part, you’ll learn more about detecting and hunting REMCOS using Elastic technologies.

Detection and Hunt

The following Elastic Defend detections trigger on those techniques:

Persistence (Run key)


Privilege Escalation (UAC Bypass)

Evasion (Disable UAC)


File Deletion

Modify Registry

The ExePath registry value used by the REMCOS watchdog process can be used as an indicator of compromise. Below is a KQL query example :

event.category:"registry" and event.action:"modification" and 
registry.value:"EXEpath" and not process.code_signature.trusted:true

REMCOS includes three options for clearing browser data, possibly in an attempt to force victim users to re-enter their web credentials for keylogging:

  • enable_browser_cleaning_on_startup_flag
  • enable_browser_cleaning_only_for_the_first_run_flag
  • browser_cleaning_sleep_time_in_minutes

This results in the deletion of browser cookies and history-related files. The following KQL query can be used to hunt for such behavior by an unsigned process:

event.category:file and event.action:deletion and file.name:container.dat and 
file.path:*INetCookies* and not process.code_signature.trusted:true

REMCOS also employs three main information collection methods. The first one is keylogging via SetWindowsHookEx API. The following ES|QL can be used to hunt for rare or unusual processes performing this behavior:

from logs-endpoint.events.api*

/* keylogging can be done by calling SetwindowsHook to hook keyboard events */

| where event.category == "api" and process.Ext.api.name == "SetWindowsHookEx" and process.Ext.api.parameters.hook_type like "WH_KEYBOARD*"

/* normalize process paths to ease aggregation by process path */

| eval process_path = replace(process.executable, """([0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|ns[a-z][A-Z0-9]{3,4}\.tmp|DX[A-Z0-9]{3,4}\.tmp|7z[A-Z0-9]{3,5}\.tmp|[0-9\.\-\_]{3,})""", "")
| eval process_path = replace(process_path, """[cC]:\\[uU][sS][eE][rR][sS]\\[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_\$~]+\\""", "C:\\\\users\\\\user\\\\")

/* limit results to those that are unique to a host across the agents fleet */

| stats occurrences = count(*), agents = count_distinct(host.id) by process_path
| where occurrences == 1 and agents == 1

Below is an example of matches on iexplore.exe (injected by REMCOS):

The second method takes multiple screenshots and saves them as jpg files with a specific naming pattern starting with time_year-month-day_hour-min-sec.jpb (e.g. time_20240308_171037.jpg). The following ES|QL hunt can be used to identify suspicious processes with similar behavior :

from logs-endpoint.events.file*

/* remcos screenshots naming pattern */

| where event.category == "file" and host.os.family == "windows" and event.action == "creation" and file.extension == "jpg" and file.name rlike """time_202\d{5}_\d{6}.jpg"""
| stats occurrences = count(*), agents = count_distinct(host.id) by process.name, process.entity_id 
 /* number of screenshots i more than 5 by same process.pid and this behavior is limited to a unique host/process */

| where occurrences >= 5 and agents == 1

The following image shows both REMCOS and the injected iexplore.exe instance (further investigation can be done by pivoting by the process.entity_id):

The third collection method is an audio recording saved as WAV files. The following ES|QL hunt can be used to find rare processes dropping WAV files:

from logs-endpoint.events.file*
| where event.category == "file" and host.os.family == "windows" and event.action == "creation" and file.extension == "wav"

/* normalize process paths to ease aggregation by process path */

| eval process_path = replace(process.executable, """([0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|ns[a-z][A-Z0-9]{3,4}\.tmp|DX[A-Z0-9]{3,4}\.tmp|7z[A-Z0-9]{3,5}\.tmp|[0-9\.\-\_]{3,})""", "")
| eval process_path = replace(process_path, """[cC]:\\[uU][sS][eE][rR][sS]\\[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_\$~]+\\""", "C:\\\\users\\\\user\\\\")
| stats wav_files_count = count(*), agents = count_distinct(host.id) by process_path

/* limit results to unique process observed in 1 agent and number of dropped wav files is less than 20 */

| where agents == 1 and wav_files_count <= 10

The following ES|QL hunt can also look for processes that drop both JPG and WAV files using the same process.pid :

from logs-endpoint.events.file*
| where event.category == "file" and host.os.family == "windows" and event.action == "creation" and file.extension in ("wav", "jpg") and 

/* excluding privileged processes and limiting the hunt to unsigned 
process or signed by untrusted certificate or signed by Microsoft */

not user.id in ("S-1-5-18", "S-1-5-19", "S-1-5-20") and (process.code_signature.trusted == false or process.code_signature.exists == false or starts_with(process.code_signature.subject_name, "Microsoft")) 
| eval wav_pids = case(file.extension == "wav", process.entity_id, null), jpg_pids = case(file.extension == "jpg", process.entity_id, null), others = case(file.extension != "wav" and file.extension != "jpg", process.entity_id, null)

/* number of jpg and wav files created by unique process identifier */

| stats count_wav_files = count(wav_pids), count_jpg_files = count(jpg_pids), other_files = count(others) by process.entity_id, process.name

/* limit results to same process dropping both file extensions */

| where count_jpg_files >= 1 and count_wav_files >= 1

Examples of matches on both REMCOS and the injected iexplore.exe process:

Pivoting by process.entity_id to further investigate suspicious processes, installers, browsers, and decompression utilities are often the most observed false positives.


The REMCOS version 4.9.3 is detected statically using the following YARA rule produced by Elastic Security Labs


Elastic uses the MITRE ATT&CK framework to document common tactics, techniques, and procedures that advanced persistent threats use against enterprise networks.


策略代表了技术或子技术的原因。 这是对手的战术目标:采取行动的原因。




As the REMCOS continues to rapidly evolve, our in-depth analysis of version 4.9.3 offers critical insights that can significantly aid the malware research community in comprehending and combatting this pervasive threat.

By uncovering its features and capabilities in this series, we provide essential information that enhances understanding and strengthens defenses against this malicious software.

We've also shown that our Elastic Defend product can detect and stop the REMCOS threat. As this article demonstrates, our new query language, ES|QL, makes hunting for threats simple and effective.

Elastic Security Labs remains committed to this endeavor as part of our open-source philosophy, which is dedicated to sharing knowledge and collaborating with the broader cybersecurity community. Moving forward, we will persist in analyzing similar malware families, contributing valuable insights to bolster collective defense against emerging cyber threats.

Sample hashes and C2s

(Analysis reference) 0af76f2897158bf752b5ee258053215a6de198e8910458c02282c2d4d284add5

























Research references