Andrew PeaseColson WilhoitDerek Ditch

The Elastic Container Project for Security Research

Using Docker to stand up the Elastic Stack

The Elastic Container Project for Security Research


The Elastic Stack is a modular data analysis ecosystem. While this allows for engineering flexibility, it can be cumbersome to stand up a development instance for testing. The easiest way to stand up the Elastic Stack, is to use Elastic Cloud - it’s completely turnkey. However, there could be situations where Elastic Cloud won’t work for your testing environment. To help with this, this blog will provide you with the necessary information required in order to quickly and painlessly stand up a local, fully containerized, TLS-secured, Elastic Stack with Fleet and the Detection Engine enabled. You will be able to create a Fleet policy, install an Elastic Agent on a local host or VM, and send the data into your stack for monitoring or analysis.

This blog will cover the following:

  • The Elastic Stack
  • The Elastic Container project
  • How to use the Elastic Container project
  • How to navigate Kibana and use its related features for security research

The Elastic Container Project is not sponsored or maintained by the company, Elastic. Design and implementation considerations for the project may not reflect Elastic’s guidance on deploying a production-ready stack.

The Elastic Stack

The Elastic Stack is made up of several different components, each of which provide a distinct capability that can be utilized across a wide variety of use cases.


Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data for lightning-fast search, fine-tuned relevancy, and powerful analytics that scale with ease.


Kibana is the user interface that lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data and manage the Elastic Stack.

The Elastic Agent

The Elastic Agent is the modular agent that allows you to collect data from an endpoint or act as a vehicle to ship data from 3rd party sources, like threat feeds. The Elastic Security integration for endpoints prevents ransomware and malware, detects advanced threats, and arms responders with vital investigative context.

The Elastic Container Project

As mentioned above, the Elastic Stack is modular which makes it very flexible for a wide variety of use cases but this can add complexity to the implementation.

The Elastic Container project is an open source project that uses Docker Compose as a way to stand up a fully-functional Elastic Stack for use in non-production environments. This project is not sponsored or maintained by the Elastic company.


The Elastic Container Project includes three main components:

  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • the Elastic Agent

The project leverages Docker Compose, which is a tool to build, integrate, and manage multiple Docker containers.

To simplify the management of the containers, the project includes a shell script that allows for the staging, starting, stopping, and destroying of the containers.

Additionally, the project makes use of self-signed TLS certificates between Elasticsearch and Kibana, Kibana and your web browser, the Elastic Agent and Elasticsearch, and the Elastic Agent and Kibana.


The project was built and tested on Linux and macOS operating systems. If you are using Windows, you’ll not be able to use the included shell script, but you can still run native Docker Compose commands and manually perform post-deployment steps.

While not thoroughly tested, it is recommended that you contribute 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM to Docker.

There are only a few packages you need to install:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • jq
  • Git
  • cURL


If you’re running on macOS, you can install the prerequisites using Homebrew, which is an open-source package management system for macOS. Check out the Homebrew site for information on installing it if needed.

**brew install jq git**
**brew install --cask docker**


If you’re running on Linux, you can install the prerequisites using your package management system ( DNF , Yum , or APT ).

RPM-based distributions

**dnf install jq git curl**


**apt-get install jq git curl**

You'll also need the Docker suite (including the docker-compose-plugin ). Check out Docker's installation instructions for your OS'

Cloning the project repository

The Elastic Container project is stored on Github. As long as you have Git installed, you can collect it from your CLI of choice.

**git clone**
**cd elastic-container**

This repository includes everything needed to stand up the Elastic Stack containers using a single shell script.

Setting credentials

Before proceeding, ensure you update the credentials for the Elastic and Kibana accounts in the .env file located in the root directory of the repository from their defaults of changeme.

The shell script

As mentioned above, the project includes a shell script that will simplify the management of the containers.

**usage: ./ [-v] (stage|start|stop|restart|status|help)**
 **stage downloads all necessary images to local storage**
 **start creates network and starts containers**
 **stop stops running containers without removing them**
 **destroy stops and removes the containers, the network and volumes created**
 **restart simply restarts all the stack containers**
 **status check the status of the stack containers**
 **help print this message**
 **-v enable verbose output**


This option downloads all of the containers from the Elastic Docker hub. This is useful if you are going to be building the project on a system that does not always have Internet access. This is not required, you can skip this option and move directly to the start option, which will download the containers.

**$ ./ stage**
**8.3.0: Pulling from elasticsearch/elasticsearch**
**7aabcb84784a: Already exists**
**e3f44495617d: Downloading [====\\>] 916.5kB/11.26MB**
**52008db3f842: Download complete**
**551b59c59fdc: Downloading [\\>] 527.4kB/366.9MB**
**25ee26aa662e: Download complete**
**7a85d02d9264: Download complete**


This opinion will create the container network, download all of the required containers, set up the TLS certificates, and start and connect Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the Fleet server containers together. This option is a “quick start” to get the Elastic Stack up and running. If you have not changed your credentials in the .env file from the defaults, the script will exit.

**$ ./ start**

**Starting Elastic Stack network and containers**
**[+] Running 7/8**
 **⠿ Network elastic-container\_default Created 0.0s**
 **⠿ Volume "elastic-container\_certs" Created 0.0s**
 **⠿ Volume "elastic-container\_esdata01" Created 0.0s**
 **⠿ Volume "elastic-container\_kibanadata" Created 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container elasticsearch-security-setup Waiting 2.0s**
 **⠿ Container elasticsearch Created 0.0s**


This option will stop all running containers in the project, but will not remove them.

**$ ./ stop**

**Stopping running containers.**
**[+] Running 4/4**
 **⠿ Container elastic-agent Stopped 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container kibana Stopped 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container elasticsearch Stopped 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container elasticsearch-security-setup Stopped**


This option will stop all running containers in the project, remove the container network, remove all data volumes, and remove all containers.

**$ ./ destroy**

**Stopping and removing the containers, network, and volumes created.**
**[+] Running 8/4**
 **⠿ Container elastic-agent Removed 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container kibana Removed 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container elasticsearch Removed 0.0s**
 **⠿ Container elasticsearch-security-setup Removed 0.3s**
 **⠿ Volume elastic-container\_esdata01 Removed 0.0s**
 **⠿ Network elastic-container\_default Removed 0.1s**


This option restarts all of the project containers.

**$ ./ restart

Restarting all Elastic Stack components.
Name Command State Ports
elasticsearch /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bi ... Up (healthy)\\>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
fleet-server /usr/bin/tini -- /usr/loca ... Up\\>8220/tcp
kibana /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bi ... Up (healthy)\\>5601/tcp**


This option returns the status of the project containers.

**$ ./ status**
**Name Command State Ports**
**elasticsearch /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bi ... Up (healthy)\\>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp**
**fleet-server /usr/bin/tini -- /usr/loca ... Up\\>8220/tcp**
**kibana /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bi ... Up (healthy)\\>5601/tcp**


This option clears all documents in the logs and metrics indices.

**$ ./ clear**

**Successfully cleared logs data stream**
**Successfully cleared metrics data stream**


This option provides instructions on using the shell script.

**$ ./ help**

**usage: ./ [-v] (stage|start|stop|restart|status|help)**
 **stage downloads all necessary images to local storage**
 **start creates a container network and starts containers**
 **stop stops running containers without removing them**
 **destroy stops and removes the containers, the network and volumes created**
 **restart simply restarts all the stack containers**
 **status check the status of the stack containers**
**clear all documents in logs and metrics indexes**
 **help print this message**
 **-v enable verbose output**

Getting Started

Now that we’ve walked through the project overview and the shell script, let’s go through the process of standing up your own stack.

Updating variables

All of the variables are controlled in an environment file ( .env ) that is at the root of the repository. The only things that you must change are the default usernames and passwords for elastic and kibana.

Open the .env file with whatever text editor you’re most comfortable with and update the ELASTIC_PASSWORD and KIBANA_PASSWORD variables from changeme to something secure. If you do not update the credentials from the defaults in the .env file, the script will exit.

If you want to change the other variables (such as the stack version), you can do so in this file.

Starting the Elastic Stack

Starting the project containers is as simple as running the shell script with the start option.

**$ ./ start**

**Starting Elastic Stack network and containers
[+] Running 7/8
⠿ Network elastic-container\_default Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume "elastic-container\_certs" Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume "elastic-container\_esdata01" Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume "elastic-container\_kibanadata" Created 0.0s
⠿ Container elasticsearch-security-setup Waiting 2.0s
⠿ Container elasticsearch Created 0.0s
⠿ Container kibana Created 0.1s
⠿ Container fleet-server Created 0.2s

Attempting to enable the Detection Engine and Prebuilt-Detection Rules
Kibana is up. Proceeding
Detection engine enabled. Installing prepackaged rules.
Prepackaged rules installed!
Waiting 40 seconds for Fleet Server setup
Populating Fleet Settings

Browse to https://localhost:5601
Username: elastic
Passphrase: you-changed-me-from-the-default-right?**

Accessing the Elastic Stack

Once the containers have all downloaded and started, you’ll get an output that tells you to browse to https://localhost:5601.

Note: You’ll need to accept the self-signed TLS certificate.

Enabling the Platinum Features

Enabling the Platinum license features are completely optional. Security features, like anti-malware, EDR, EPP, etc. are included in the Basic license. Memory, behavior, and ransomware protections are Platinum license features. If you want to change your license, we can do that with the .env file or from within Kibana. You can update to Elastic Platinum for 30-days.

If you want to use the .env file so that the features are enabled when the stack is built, change LICENSE=basic to LICENSE=trial and then start the project as normal.

If you prefer to use Kibana, click on the hamburger menu, and then click on Stack Management.

Click on License Management and then “Start a 30-day trial”.

Creating a Fleet policy

Now that we have the entire Elastic Stack up and running, we can make a Fleet policy. Fleet is a subroutine of an Elastic Agent (which was built when we ran the start option in the shell script) that enables you to manage other Elastic Agents, policies, and integrations.

Fleet is managed in Kibana, the UI that allows you to interact with data stored in Elasticsearch and manage your Elastic stack. If you’re interested in learning more about Kibana, check out the free training videos.

Log into your Kibana instance and click on the “hamburger” menu on the top left, and navigate down to “Fleet”, under the “Management” section.

Next, click on the “Agent policies” tab and then the “Create agent policy” button.

Give your new policy a name and a description (optional). Normally, we uncheck the “Collect agent logs” and “Collect agent metrics” options because it’s additional data going to the stack that we generally don’t need for our specific use-case. If you’re doing troubleshooting or interested in what’s happening behind the scenes, this data can help you understand that.

Next, click on your new policy and the blue “Add integration” button.

There are hundreds of integrations, but the ones that we’re most interested in for this blog are for Elastic Security.

To install Elastic Security, simply click on the tile on the main integrations page or search for “security”.

Next, click the “Add Endpoint and Cloud Security” button to install this integration into the policy we just created.

Name the integration and click the blue “Save and continue” button.

While the Endpoint and Cloud Security and System integrations will collect security related logs, if you’re using Sysmon on a Windows host, you may want to add the “Windows” integration to collect those logs.

Once the integration is installed, you’ll be prompted to add more Agents or to do that later. Select the “Add Elastic Agent later” option so we can make a few more changes to our policy.

Now we’ll be dropped back to our policy page.

We should have two integrations for our policy: security and system-1.

Before we add any agents, we’ll want to set our Elastic Agent to Detect (so that it allows the malware to completely execute), register the Elastic Agent as a trusted AV solution (Windows only), and instruct the Endpoint and Cloud Security integration to collect memory samples from security events. This is tremendously helpful for “fileless” malware that injects directly into memory, like Cobalt Strike.

If you want to learn more about extracting malware beacons from events generated by the Elastic Agent, check out our other publications and repositories.

To allow the malware to continue to execute, on your “Windows” policy page, click on the name of the integration (“security” in our example), set the Protection level to “Detect”.

Repeat these steps for the Ransomware, Memory threat protections, and Malicious behavior sections.

We’re setting the Elastic Agent to Detect so that the malware we’re detonating will run completely so that we can analyze the entire execution chain. If you want the malware to be stopped, you can leave this in Prevent mode.

Next, scroll to the bottom and select the “Register as antivirus” toggle and click on the “Show advanced settings” hyperlink.

Scroll down to windows.advanced.memory_protection.shellcode_collect_sample , windows.advanced.memory_protection.memory_scan_collect_sample , and windows.advanced.memory_protection.shellcode_enhanced_pe_parsing options and set the value to true.

As mentioned above, these steps are for labs, sandboxes, testing, etc. These settings can generate a lot of data, so setting these for production will need resourcing and sizing considerations.

If you’re making a policy for Linux or macOS, repeat these for the proper OS.

Once we’re done with all of the post-installation configurations, we can click the blue Save integration button.

Enabling Elastic’s Prebuilt Detection Rules

Now that we have created our Fleet agent policy we need to enable the set of pre-built detection rules associated with the OS or platform we will be deploying on (e.g Windows). To do this you will need to go to the Alerts page within the security app.

Click on the hamburger menu and select Alerts, under the Security solution.

Next, click on the blue Manage Rules button.

Once on the Rules page you can update all of the prebuilt rules provided by Elastic by clicking on the “Update Elastic prebuilt rules” button. The update framework is enabled when you go into the “Manage rules” section for the first time, if the “Update Elastic prebuilt rules” button isn’t present, refresh the screen.

Once the rules have been updated, you can browse the available detection rules, search them by a number of different patterns or simply filter by tag, which is what we will do here by searching for Windows rules.

Now we can select all of the Windows rules.

Once all of the rules have been selected, we can bulk enable them.

As the Elastic Container Project runs completely inside single Docker containers, performance impacts could be noticed if you enable all of the rules available. Explore the different rules and enable or disable them based on your infrastructure and use cases.

After we have enabled these rules they will be live and will be run against the data your endpoint agent sends into your stack. When the Detection Engine rules are triggered, they will be raised in the Alerts page in the Security Solution.

Enrolling an Elastic Agent

Still in Fleet, we have several ways to add an Elastic Agent. The most straightforward is from within the policy that we want to enroll an Elastic Agent into (otherwise you have to specify which policy you want to use). It doesn’t really matter which approach you use, but clicking on the Actions button and then Add agent works from just about anywhere in Fleet.

Scroll down and click on the OS that you’re going to be installing the Elastic Agent on, and copy/paste the instructions directly into a terminal window on the host you’re going to be installing the agent onto. Note, if you’re using Windows, use a Powershell CLI that is running as (or elevated to) an account with administrative entitlements.

Of note, because all of our TLS certificates are self-signed, we need to append the –insecure flag. This is unnecessary if you are using trusted certificates.

**.\elastic-agent.exe install --url=https://[stack-ip]:8220 --enrollment-token=[token] --insecure**

Back in Kibana, we can see confirmation that the Elastic Agent installed on the host and that data is being recorded into Elasticsearch.

We can see that the Elastic Agent is reporting into Fleet and is healthy.

If we go into the Discover tab, we can see various event types reporting into Elasticsearch. We can generate some test data by opening notepad.exe , calc.exe , and ping.exe -t on the host. From Discover, we can make a simple query to validate that we’re seeing the data:

** : (notepad.exe or ping.exe or calc.exe)**

Now that we’ve validated that we’re seeing data. Let's fire some malware!

Test fire some malware

There are a lot of places you can download malware from, but for this test, we’ll simply use the industry standard EICAR anti malware test file to check the functionality.

The EICAR test is a file that is universally identified by security vendors and is used to test the operation of anti malware software and platforms. It contains a single string and is non-malicious.

From within the Windows host, we’ll use Powershell to download the EICAR file.

**Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "eicar.txt"**

As expected, the event was immediately identified by the Elastic Agent’s security integration.

After a few minutes, the events are recorded into the Security Solution within Kibana. You can get there by clicking on the hamburger menu and then clicking on the Alerts section.

Here we can see the alert populated.

If we click on the Analyzer button, we can dig into the event to identify the process that generated the event.

In our example, we can see powershell.exe generated the event and this includes the correlated network events - , which is where the EICAR test file was downloaded from.


In this publication, we introduced you to the Elastic Stack and an open source project that can be used to quickly and securely stand up the entire stack for testing, labs, and security research.

Kibana and the Security Solution are powerful tools that are built by incident responders, threat hunters, and intelligence analysts with security practitioners in mind. To learn more about how to use these tools, Elastic has some great (free and paid) training that can help learn how to use Kibana for threat hunting.