New services experience

Try out our new Services inventory, which enables you to monitor service logs without instrumenting all your services.

With this technical preview, Elastic expands the Services inventory to include services found in logs. This means you can monitor the services you care about even if you only have logs and aren't ready to instrument your services.

The new Services inventory shows services instrumented with APM or OpenTelemetry, plus any services declared using in your logs:

For instrumented services that also have custom logs, the APM and log data are displayed in the same view. For services that only have log data, the log data is displayed, and you have the option of adding APM later.


The new Services inventory requires the Elastic Entity Model (EEM). To learn more, refer to Elastic Entity Model.

Turn on the new experience

The new services experience is turned off by default. To turn it on:

  1. In your Observability project, go to ApplicationsServices.
  2. Click Try out Elastic's new experience!

If you have Admin privileges, the EEM will be turned on automatically. Otherwise, you need to ask someone with Admin privileges to turn on this feature under Stack Management.

To turn off the new experience, click Restore classic view. You can switch back and forth between the new and classic views whenever you want.

Does turning on the new experience affect other users?

No. The settings are applied at the browser level, which means that other users need to turn on the new experience if they want to use it.

Add services to the inventory

To add services to the inventory, use one of the following approaches:

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