Getting started with Beats and the Elastic Stack


Getting started with Beats and the Elastic Stack


Looking for an "ELK tutorial" that shows how to set up the Elastic stack for Beats? You’ve come to the right place. The topics in this section describe how to install and configure the Elastic stack for Beats.

A regular Beats setup consists of:

  • Elasticsearch for storage and indexing. See Install Elasticsearch.
  • Logstash (optional) for inserting data into Elasticsearch. See Installing Logstash.
  • Kibana for the UI. See Install Kibana.
  • One or more Beats. You install the Beats on your servers to capture operational data. See Install Beats.
  • Kibana dashboards for visualizing the data.

See the Elastic Support Matrix for information about supported operating systems and product compatibility.

To get started, you can install Elasticsearch and Kibana on a single VM or even on your laptop. The only condition is that the machine must be accessible from the servers you want to monitor. As you add more Beats and your traffic grows, you’ll want to replace the single Elasticsearch instance with a cluster. You’ll probably also want to automate the installation process.