It is time to say goodbye: This version of Elastic Cloud Enterprise has reached end-of-life (EOL) and is no longer supported.
The documentation for this version is no longer being maintained. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
editUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
editThe following instructions show you how to prepare your hosts on Ubuntu Xenial.
If you want to install Elastic Cloud Enterprise on own hosts, the steps for preparing your hosts can take a bit of time. There are two ways you can approach this:
- Think like a minimalist: Install the correct version of Docker on hosts that meet the prerequisites for Elastic Cloud Enterprise, then skip ahead and install Elastic Cloud Enterprise. This approach is similar to the Quick Start Guide. Be aware that some checks during the installation can fail with this approach, which will mean doing further host preparation work before retrying the installation.
- Cover your bases: If you want to make absolutely sure that your installation of Elastic Cloud Enterprise can succeed on hosts that meet the prerequisites, or if any of the checks during the installation failed previously, run through the full preparation steps in this section and then and install Elastic Cloud Enterprise. You’ll do a bit more work now, but life will be simpler later on.
Regardless of which approach you take, the steps in this section need to be performed on every host that you want to use with Elastic Cloud Enterprise.
Install A Supported Linux Kernel
editElastic Cloud Enterprise requires 3.10 or higher. The steps shown here install kernel 4.4.
Refresh the package index files from their sources:
sudo apt-get update
Install the Linux kernel and the
package available on your system. You can omit thexfsprogs
package if you don’t plan to use XFS.sudo apt-get install -y linux-generic-lts-xenial xfsprogs
Install Docker Version 1.11
Recommended: Add the Docker repository to make installing the correct version of Docker easier:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D echo deb ubuntu-xenial main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list sudo apt-get update
Install the correct version of the
package:sudo apt-get install docker-engine=1.11*
Recommended: Set Up XFS on Ubuntu
editElastic Cloud Enterprise can run without XFS, but XFS is required to support disk space quotas for Elasticsearch data directories. Some Linux distributions such as RHEL and CentOS already provide XFS as the default file system. On Ubuntu, we recommend that you set up an XFS file system first.
Disk space quotas set a limit on the amount of disk space a cluster node can use. Currently, quotas are calculated by a static ratio of 1:32, which means that for every 1 GB of RAM a cluster is given, a cluster node is allowed to consume 32 GB of disk space.
Using LVM, mdadm
, or a combination of the two for block device management is possible, but the
configuration is not covered here, nor is it provided as part of supporting Elastic Cloud Enterprise.
Example: Set up XFS on a single, pre-partitioned block device named /dev/xvdg1
Format the partition:
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdg1
Create the
directory as a mount point:sudo install -o $USER -g $USER -d -m 700 /mnt/data
Add an entry to the
file for the new XFS volume. The default filesystem path used by Elastic Cloud Enterprise is/mnt/data
./dev/xvdg1 /mnt/data xfs defaults,nofail,x-systemd.automount,prjquota,pquota 0 2
Regenerate the mount files:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart
Update the Configurations Settings
Stop the Docker service:
sudo systemctl stop docker
Enable cgroup accounting for memory and swap space.
In the
file, ensure that theGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=
variable includes these values:cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 cgroup.memory=nokmem
Update your Grub configuration:
sudo update-grub
If you plan to run Elasticsearch 5.0 and later: Update the
file to set the maximum number of mapped memory areas a process can have:echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
Verify that IPv4 forwarding is enabled:
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
If the output of this command is not
, you must enable IPv4 forwarding so that Docker can work as expected:-
Update the
file to include this line:net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
Restart the network service:
sudo sysctl -p
Verify that the change is applied:
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
The output
indicates that IPv4 forwarding is turned on.
Adjust the system limits.
Add the following configuration values to the
file. These values are derived from our experience with the Elastic Cloud hosted offering and should be used for Elastic Cloud Enterprise as well.If you are using a user name other than
, adjust the configuration values accordingly.* soft nofile 1024000 * hard nofile 1024000 * soft memlock unlimited * hard memlock unlimited elastic soft nofile 1024000 elastic hard nofile 1024000 elastic soft memlock unlimited elastic hard memlock unlimited root soft nofile 1024000 root hard nofile 1024000 root soft memlock unlimited
If you did not create the mount point earlier (if you did not set up XFS), create the
directory as a mount point:sudo install -o $USER -g $USER -d -m 700 /mnt/data
If you set up a new device with XFS earlier:
Mount the block device (change the device name if you use a different device than
):sudo mount /dev/xvdg1
Set the permissions on the newly mounted device:
sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/data
Create the
directory for the Docker service storage:sudo install -o $USER -g $USER -d -m 700 /mnt/data/docker
Configure the Docker daemon options.
. If the file path and file do not exist, create them first.[Unit] Description=Docker Service [Service] Environment="DOCKER_OPTS=-H unix:///run/docker.sock -g /mnt/data/docker --storage-driver=aufs --bip= --raw-logs" ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon $DOCKER_OPTS
Apply the updated Docker daemon configuration:
Reload the Docker daemon configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Restart the Docker service:
sudo systemctl restart docker
Enable Docker to start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable docker
Enable your user to communicate with the Docker subsystem by adding it to the
group:sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Recommended: Tune your network settings.
Create a
file in the/etc/sysctl.d/
file path that includes these network settings:cat << SETTINGS | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/70-cloudenterprise.conf net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=65536 net.core.somaxconn=32768 net.core.netdev_max_backlog=32768 SETTINGS
Pin the Docker version to ensure that the
package does not get upgraded:echo "docker-engine hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
Reboot your system to ensure that all configuration changes take effect:
sudo reboot
After rebooting, verify that your Docker settings persist as expected:
sudo docker info | grep Root
If the command returns
Docker Root Dir: /mnt/data/docker
, then your changes were applied successfully and persist as expected.If the command returns
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
, then you need to troubleshoot the previous configuration steps until the Docker settings are applied successfully before continuing with the installation process. For more information, see Custom Docker daemon options in the Docker documentation. - Repeat these steps on other hosts that you want to use with Elastic Cloud Enterprise or follow the steps in the next section to start installing Elastic Cloud Enterprise.