

Package v1beta1 contains API schema definitions for managing APM Server resources.

Resource Types



ApmServer represents an APM Server resource in a Kubernetes cluster.

Field Description

apiVersion string


kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

spec ApmServerSpec



ApmServerSpec holds the specification of an APM Server.

Field Description

version string

Version of the APM Server.

image string

Image is the APM Server Docker image to deploy.

count integer

Count of APM Server instances to deploy.

config Config

Config holds the APM Server configuration. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/server/current/configuring-howto-apm-server.html

http HTTPConfig

HTTP holds the HTTP layer configuration for the APM Server resource.

elasticsearchRef ObjectSelector

ElasticsearchRef is a reference to the output Elasticsearch cluster running in the same Kubernetes cluster.

podTemplate PodTemplateSpec

PodTemplate provides customisation options (labels, annotations, affinity rules, resource requests, and so on) for the APM Server pods.

secureSettings SecretSource

SecureSettings is a list of references to Kubernetes secrets containing sensitive configuration options for APM Server.