A newer version is available. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Access the Elasticsearch endpoint
editAccess the Elasticsearch endpoint
editYou can access the Elasticsearch endpoint within or outside the Kubernetes cluster.
Within the Kubernetes cluster
- Retrieve the CA certificate.
Retrieve the password of the
NAME=hulk kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-http-certs-public" -o go-template='{{index .data "tls.crt" | base64decode }}' > tls.crt PW=$(kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-elastic-user" -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode }}') curl --cacert tls.crt -u elastic:$PW https://$NAME-es-http:9200/
Outside the Kubernetes cluster
- Retrieve the CA certificate.
Retrieve the password of the
user. -
Retrieve the IP of the
NAME=hulk kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-http-certs-public" -o go-template='{{index .data "tls.crt" | base64decode }}' > tls.crt IP=$(kubectl get svc "$NAME-es-http" -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}') PW=$(kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-elastic-user" -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode }}') curl --cacert tls.crt -u elastic:$PW https://$IP:9200/
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