
The executive guide to generative AI

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Enhancements and bug fixes


The following changes are included in this release.



Feedback link to the Help menu. Added a Give feedback link to the Cloud console header in the Help menu. The link opens a feedback page in a new tab.

Force enroll on container restart. Introduced ephemeral Hosted Agent on container restart.



GCP region Seoul (asia-northeast3). Elasticsearch Service is now available in the GCP region Seoul (asia-northeast3). You can select the new region when you create new deployments.

Shorten Azure private link endpoint name. Improves the handling of long Azure Private Link Endpoint names. With this release Azure Private Link traffic filters work regardless of the length of their endpoint names.

Make EnsureStorageResources step conditional. The step Preparing to store snapshots will run only when needed.

Consider allocator status when terminating. Plans that terminate deployments will no longer stall out during the step Waiting until instances are terminated if any nodes are on disconnected allocators.

Add support and docs for Manager ephemeral tasks configuration. Adds support and docs for:

  • xpack.task_manager.ephemeral_tasks.enabled Kibana Task Manager configuration
  • xpack.task_manager.ephemeral_tasks.request_capacity Kibana Task Manager configuration
  • xpack.alerting.maxEphemeralActionsPerAlert Kibana Alerting configuration

Rework conditional logic for SuspendSnapshotting. The step Disabling snapshots will no longer run during plans that aren’t stopping nodes. If it fails, the plan is still allowed to continue in some cases.

Include chain status in TLS endpoints responses. Make GET /api/v1/platform/configuration/security/tls/{service_name} responses include a status JSON object with information on the time to life of the service_name certification chain. Check

Increase APM and Fleet free tier to 1GB RAM. We have recently added Fleet Server to the APM component and, as part of that change, we are increasing the free tier from 512MB to 1GB to better support both services. We will also be updating the deployment templates to set the initial size of the APM and Fleet component to 1GB by default. If you have an existing deployment and are using the APM and Fleet free tier, you can scale it up to 1GB with no additional cost.

Add stricter validation to create or update deployment templates. When creating or updating a Deployment template, if it specifies node_roles in the Elasticsearch plan, the template must contain all resource types and all Elasticsearch tiers.

Disable unused Enterprise Search resources. The Enterprise Search component is enabled by default for all deployment templates (with the initial size set to our free tier) so that you can test and use it without having to pay. If Enterprise Search is unused for 14 days (30 days in GovCloud), it will be disabled automatically. Once disabled, you can manually scale it up again at any time.

Bug fixes


CTS - Gracefully handle returning keys of non-existent object. The CTS framework implements some JSON-parsing utility methods. One of them, GetKeys returns the keys for a JSON object. This method causes a panic if the JSON object itself is non-existent. This PR fixes this panic by checking for the existence of the JSON object first. If it isn’t found, it returns an empty slice of keys.

Apply enterprise license during 7.8.1+ upgrades. Fixes a bug which causes clusters to not have access to new enterprise features immediately while upgrading to 7.8.1 or higher (from version 7.8.0 or lower).

Hide terminate button for Kibana. Removes a misleading Terminate button that users couldn’t click.

Add breadcrumbs to getting started page. Adds header breadcrumbs to the Getting started page.

Port publisher to always update the znode after the first probe. Fixes a bug in the instance liveness probe when the allocator restarts, and the instance becomes unhealthy when the allocator is stopped.

Correctly count RAM-hours. Fixes undercounting of RAM-hours usage by the featureusage CTS task.

Validate that there is only one resource for each type. Makes sure that it is not possible to create two resources of the same type in the same deployment (for example two Elasticsearch clusters), as this is not supported.



Remove firmographics fields from marketplace sign in. Removes these fields from marketplace sign in:

  • Industry
  • Website
  • Number of employees
  • Country - gets inferred by Marketo/IPstack
  • State - gets inferred by Marketo/IPstack


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